BLM is filled with jobless, godless, hateful Marxists: Former BLM activist



Kudos to this former BLM who woke up! Great speech that everyone needs to hear.

This guy was in BLM and he woke up from being woke and he couldn’t have worded himself any better ❤


  1. Hello, BLMs.. This is the deal. You all are living in a free land. You have free school for 12 years, you have subsidized housing, SNAP cards for food, special loans,”scholarships” for higher education and…… what do you do? You blame whites, you whine, you participate in self hatred through killing each other, rioting , looting, needing us to support you, fatherless families , “men” who refuse to step up and PAY/Finance the spawn you have produced. You dump your BLM wives, IF you DO choose to marry, to be movin’ on up and hook up with a “better” white woman. Don’t tell me I’m wrong. I’ve heard them say it when a black acquaintance married a white man. His black male co workers laughed at him, when , being white he had open access to white women. So instead of allowing the new slavery, imposed by our government, keeping you in the projects, on welfare and DEPEINDING ON US, for your next meal, junkie fix, or whatever it is that you value, ….. GO look in the mirror. You will never change what you are in your lifetime, nor will I, depending on someone else to “rescue” me.. GOD BLESs the child ….. So get up off your fat entitled asses and go find it…. Legitimately.

  2. When I was in the Navy I hung out with Black people. I bunked with Black people. They told me if they got the White masc education they would be a sell out. Could this be the reason why many more Blacks commit crimes than Whites. God made us all. Can’t we just get along? Life is hard enough. God help us if we find extraterrestrial life. We invite them to visit us and try to shoot them down when they do. And we are considered the civilized world???

  3. Lol what did you expect, they were handled the same way the illegals are now. Free everything for votes. Pay for votes works better then begging for votes.

  4. In other words, BLM is filled with worthless people who should have been aborted. So is Antifa. Notice about half of BLM is white? It’s because the same people in BLM are the same ones in Antifa. But garbage is garbage whether it’s called trash or refuse or solid waste. They should all be buried in the land fill.

  5. Why do people in Organizations like BLM and ANTIFA (Marxist) move to another country (North Korea maybe) instead of staying here and destroying their communities? They have been so brainwashed that they can’t accept the truth.

    • Because they know that if they do, they would 1) have to work or, 2) be killed because they are Americans or, 3) they wouldn’t get to whine about how bad they have it.

  6. Riddle me this! How many BLM members are convicted felons, have a huge rap sheet, or are female hangers-on looking to personally profit from the men operating the Black drug culture?


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