BOMBSHELL Whistleblower Claims EXPOSE FAKE Secret Service Agents During FAILED Trump Assassination!



What the hell is going on here? Why do they insist on making our country a laughing stock????

Trump wasn’t given the JV team, he was given the WNBA.


  1. In January, President Trump and the Republicans should clean out the Fumbling Birdbrain Idiots and Stupid Service, Fire ALL Biden appointees and replace them with someone competent.

  2. This is what you are going to get when you put in DEI and haters in leadership positions. And it is just what the Marxists want!

  3. This conspiracy to get Trump killed has long legs and it goes deep and it’s been in the planning for years, but here we have all these outraged folks demanding “answers and quickly” (starting with the immediate firing of the Secret Service Director). Oh, good thinking. Do you not recognize a “cut out” when you see one? Do you really think this DEI hire out of the Pepsi-Cola company was really in charge of anything – or is she likely a scapegoat, an easy sacrifice which will satisfy the anger of the offended while effectively ending the in-depth investigation that this crime really deserves. At least the JFK conspirators had to go to the trouble of getting Jack Ruby to shut Oswald up before he could talk, but, oh no, let’s go ahead and let Cheatle resign, taking all blame with her while the Deep Staters laugh at our gullibility. DON’T LET HER RESIGN. Put her on the hot seat and grill her til she sweats. She’ll crack and start to wiggle and it is in those wiggles that we’ll start to get the truth. This conspiracy goes way back and lots of powerful people are involved. Let’s not let the likes of Mayorkas hide behind someone like Cheatle. Grill her til she pops (and make sure she gets thoroughly pumped for information before she gets Epsteined).


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