Bout time something was done and put right !!!!!!
These DEMO’S are a disgrace and need to get outta DODGE
for GOOD !!!!!! We’ll have a new Sheriff in town to make things
Why are you repeating: CNN, the view and Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s lies and fearmongering? The decision separates official and unofficial actions. The possibility of a conviction is still on the table. Fear drives democrats to the polls and voting against Republicans. Why do you want to make things easier for the dems (dims)? Most talking by the dims is based on ideas that they are too dim to see what is really going on.
I agree totally but I have to wonder why all of these crooked lawyers and judges aren’t in jail. Adults have known all along their actions were criminal. One especially is the New York judicial system but also add the Atlanta system.
Bout time something was done and put right !!!!!!
These DEMO’S are a disgrace and need to get outta DODGE
for GOOD !!!!!! We’ll have a new Sheriff in town to make things
Why are you repeating: CNN, the view and Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s lies and fearmongering? The decision separates official and unofficial actions. The possibility of a conviction is still on the table. Fear drives democrats to the polls and voting against Republicans. Why do you want to make things easier for the dems (dims)? Most talking by the dims is based on ideas that they are too dim to see what is really going on.
I agree totally but I have to wonder why all of these crooked lawyers and judges aren’t in jail. Adults have known all along their actions were criminal. One especially is the New York judicial system but also add the Atlanta system.