Just cut all federal funding for all these cities that refuse to help.
He stands up for illegals, but not for the citizens of Chicago
Just cut all federal funding for all these cities that refuse to help.
He stands up for illegals, but not for the citizens of Chicago
This Chicago mayor and others like him need to be arrested and sent to prison (just for threatening) the President of the United States!
his own people hate him. He has put aside American citizens needs for criminals. He’s worse than Lightfoot.
would be a real shame, if a stray bullet hit the mayor while some of these illegals are being rounded up. yep, a real shame….
Exactly. These folks don’t seem to understand the chain of command.
All the states that claim they are sanctuary cities cut their funding and let all of the people of that state help with funding these illegals see how that works out for them. Thank your idiot mayors making illegals priority over the people of these states who were born and raised in this country. Since when does illegal aliens have more and better rights than people born here? All of these mayors and governors of these sanctuary cities should be fired.
Well said.
I suggest that ANY mayor who FAILS to respect THE LAW of The LAND, be subject to that LAW and be held accountable. Loss of position, fines, and jail time. Act like a criminal, be treated as one.
They deserve nothing better than a good ole fashion GUILLOTINE
make American Compost Great & Rich Soil Again
Yep sent them all that want to go there BUT CUT FED money from those citys If they want that kind of mayor GREAT but the Rest of the Country sure dont have to help with there nut choise
Remember this when all aid is cut off and you have find away to feed and house them with winter hitting. All I can say is good luck, your need it
I can’t believe the voters of Chicago dumped Beetlejuice for the Joker.
Threatening Donald J. Trump not to do something is like threatening Clint Eastwood in one of his Western movies….not a good idea.
Chicago mayor is a nightmare. One of the dumbest people in the state. The education level in the Chicago schools is abysmal- something like 70% of the 8th graders can’t read. All the CTU wants is money-they don’t care about the students. He also doesn’t care about doing something about the gangs and the illegal migrants who are siphoning the city and state funds. Trump should jail him.