Well, DUUUUUHHH!!! These are the people that “Comedy” Central caters to. Dems, Libs, and “Progs,.” They’re ALL about violence and mayhem. It’s what they stand for, UNLESS there’s a chance it could be turned on them. That’s why they want to dissarm normal Anericans. Normal Americans will only put up with insanity for so long before they lock and load and start getting the U.S. on the right track again. Notice who’s responsible for every mass shooting and riot you can recall. It’s ALWAYS, ALWAYS a wacky “Prog-li-dem.” Normal Americans don’t act like that.
Well, DUUUUUHHH!!! These are the people that “Comedy” Central caters to. Dems, Libs, and “Progs,.” They’re ALL about violence and mayhem. It’s what they stand for, UNLESS there’s a chance it could be turned on them. That’s why they want to dissarm normal Anericans. Normal Americans will only put up with insanity for so long before they lock and load and start getting the U.S. on the right track again. Notice who’s responsible for every mass shooting and riot you can recall. It’s ALWAYS, ALWAYS a wacky “Prog-li-dem.” Normal Americans don’t act like that.