College Loans Are Crushing Gen Z



I worked in college admissions for 5 years. I have seen hundreds of students get into debt who never should have been accepted to college in the first place. They were only there for 1 of 3 reasons – 1. Their parents made them, 2. They worshiped sports and would’ve done anything to be able to play ball, 3. They followed friends/significant others. College needs a reformation.

My four kids have all received the same speech. “You are not going to college to figure out who you are and what you want to do. Get a job, grow up, figure it out and THEN if you need college we will get it done with purpose and goal” they have all took my consulting and my 24 year old has been working since he was 16. He now knows what he needs to excel in his career choice and is starting college this January. Be mindful! Be wise young people.


  1. Colleges have been ripping off the students for several years. Students that can barely read their high school diplomas and barely do simple arithmetic are being accepted into some of the most prestigious schools in the country only to learn about stupid subjects where there is little to no job opportunities. So, college just becomes a place to party and do stupid protest or play a ball game hoping the student is good enough to make the pros so the ball game becomes the job. As for the students who don’t play ball for the pros, they end up sacking groceries or washing dishes for a living, all while being stuck with a big debt they can’t pay. And yet the dummycrats answer to fix the problem is to forgive the debt while sticking everyone who did go to college and learn a vocation that had job opportunities, which encourages this irresponsible behavior to keep going on forever.


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