DEI Chicago Mayor Pulls the Race Card then says the DUMBEST things ever on TV!



Doesn’t realize that he belongs to the party that enslaved his ancestors

All sanctuary cities should lose all federal funding


    • You should register, I heard this mayor clearly. A silly unfit mayor who has no concept of what the Constitution says. He danced around a specific question and NEVER answered the question. He did blame someone else.

  1. He is dumber than a box of rocks. The Chicago voters are just as bad for voting for him and Pritzger. They both should be jailed. They have ruined this state.

  2. Who was the Illinois idiot that set all crap in motion? None other than the Moos-Lin—-/OBOZO. The rotten turds don’t fall far from the ARSE.

  3. “Reparations”. Okay, then REPAY ALL the welfare, aid to dependent children , free clinics, free medicines , and other freebies.
    Subtract that amount from the “reparations” , and see how much you are OWED.

  4. Chicago mayor says to all the people of Chicago “be afraid” yeah they should be afraid of this stupid fool who only talks about blacks being held down by white people. This dumbass jerk chicken shit hasn’t got a clue as to what he’s doing for Chicago, Lightfoot was bad and sickening and this jackass is following in her footsteps. All he cares about is how much more money he can get to live higher in his life. What a disgusting turd.

  5. You want reparations?? Prove to me you were/are a slave AND my family is /were slaveholders and we will talk !! Til then get out and work!! I owe you NOTHING!
    My ancestors fought for north in civil war to free your ancestors !! YOU OWE ME !!

  6. Is it any surprise that the Mayor in Chicago is dumber than a rock? The voters elected Lori Lightfoot, and then this idiot. Now the voters have started to come to their senses after being taxed even more to pay for illegal non citizens , while city services decline.


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