Democrat REVEALS Quiet Part Out Loud About Plan For Illegal Immigrants As CHINESE Show Up To Border!


President Joe Biden Navigates Immigration Dilemmas Ahead of 2024 Election: Balancing the Right and Left.

President Joe Biden has found himself in a unique position, balancing the often conflicting demands of his party’s left-wing base and more moderate right wing as he navigates complex immigration issues. With the 2024 election looming on the horizon, the President is under immense pressure to find solutions that satisfy both sides while maintaining a coherent, progressive stance on this contentious topic.

Black Conservative Perspective discusses this in the video below:


WHAT a brilliant idea. Give them military training so they can turn on us with their skills. Democrats and their weirdness must be removed from all positions of power.

This is the most sickening thing I’ve ever seen GOD HELP THIS COUNTRY AND US TRUMP HELP US


  1. None of those allegedly mistreated “refugees” seem to have missed any meals and the vast majority are wearing designer clothes. Where are the walking wounded, the starving victims of oppression and torture?

  2. Another bright idea from a Democrat. President Trump had the border settled down and then Biden came in first day and was rushing to sign every Executive Order Donald Trump had in place. Good job Joe. Now, put these illegals in the military and give them guns and they turn around and use those guns on what few military personnel we have left. I guess then Democrats will send out our seniors to fight. Only place seniors will be headed will be to Washington, D.C. to get read of the idiots there.

  3. There here to either bring the new china virus or to help the bio lab they have in California leak that virus on us. And no doubt Newsom is some how involved. Time will tell if iam right. But either way it’s in California, so it doesn’t really matter till it spreads to other states.


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