Democrat Scumbag Threatens Trump on Jen Psaki Show


Democrat congressman Daniel Goldman Urges Elimination of President Trump, Labels Him a Danger to Democracy.

During the interview, Goldman emphasized his belief that Trump is “a direct threat” to U.S. democratic principles, highlighting numerous instances where the president has undermined democratic norms and institutions. Some examples cited by Goldman include Trump’s repeated refusal to acknowledge election defeat, attempts to subvert the electoral process, and his inflammatory rhetoric that often incites violence and division within the nation.

Salty Cracker discusses in the YouTube video below:


I would counter him and say we don’t have democracy here because we are a republic. But what they really mean is a threat to Democrat rule.

It’s not up to them if Trump becomes President. Clearly they don’t care, but it’s up to US, The PEOPLE. And We want Trump back!


  1. Since when has the current Democratic Party members ever played by the “U.S. Democratic Principles”? First, they all need to go back to High School and take the course they missed called “Civics” to relearn that our nation is a REPUBLIC based off of Democratic Principles, then secondly they need to learn the Voters determine who will run the nation, not the Democratic Party Members or leadership.
    Next did Goldman just threaten a Past President and probable candidate for the Office of President? Is that in itself a crime now days? Where is the FBI, oh that’s right they are busy with the DOJ covering up Joe Bidens and Family’s crime spree and arresting, kangaroo trying, and sentencing anyone who was in Washington DC on J6 for tresspassing in the Capital after being directed inside by Mega Dressed FBI agents. Sentencing old women, ya a 75 year old woman is a real threat, to 10 years in prison is real justice in todays Democratic run govement.

    • That’s the problem, they don’t teach Physics anymore in school. Nor do they teach the true History of the US. They don’t teach Geography and the young people of today don’t even know where the States are situated on the map, not the rest of the world for that matter. The schools teaching agenda now seems to be on social issues and teaching young people about sex. Kids love to experiment, tell tham how to do something and they will try it. Puttting boy’s in girl’s spaces and vice versa will be the beginning os experimenting with sex.

        • I understand and I agree with you 100%. Mya brother is a retired teacher and he tells me a teacher cannot in any way, shape, or form discipline a student. Students rule the teachers. Very sad what our country is turning in to. Crime everywhere, high grocery, gas, housing costs, high interest rates (haven’t been this high since the late 70’s when a home mortgage carried anywhere from 13-20% interest rate). Young people have no idea what they are promoting. There philosophy is “if it feels good, do it”.

  2. Why isn’t this democrat Goldman being held accountable for threatening President Trump? “Eliminate”? That only means one thing. If any conservative Republican would be jumped on and held up by his or her ankles if this was said by them. This is a THREAT and Goldman should be arrested. These freaks are saying and doing things that others are being punished for doing much less by the law. Goldman should be arrested, make him serve time in prison. As far as Psaki…… please! she graduated 1st in her class of liars and she’s very proud of that. She’s so pathetic and her lies show through her thin skin. Psaki go away you are a hypocrite, disgrace to America.

    • That’s an insult to them! Goldman Garbage needs his a–put in prison! He’s more like tub scum. It hangs on until you scrub it off and send it down the drain! The “F”er has turned a blind eye to all the violence in this country caused by the mental leftys.

      While I don’t side with North Korea or Communism whatsoever you can bet they wouldn’t allow crap like ANTIFA, BLM, Palestinian sympathisers, or even garbage democrats trying to overthrow the government, military, or his country nor would he allow ANY illegals just walk over his border!

      They need to make it mandatory in this country all youth will serve in the military as soon as they graduate up to twenty six or thirty years old. The millenials and Gen Z can learn a trade, learn discupline, character, and responsibility. If they don’t they go to prison! Enough of the BS in this country!

  3. Democrats don’t have any common sense anymore. They are so crazy wanting power they are dictating to those who don’t believe in the Democrats. Democrats were the ones stating they get into Republican’s faces and spew hate.

  4. Let’s let Goldman know that we will hold him accountable for the actions taken by the psycho left, if anything happens to Trump. Remember his words folks. Sounds like a dog whistle to me, for sure. Goldman is guilty of inciting violence towards a presidential candidate, no trial, no defense. That is how it works in this banana republic now isn’t it?

  5. Throw both HIM and Jen PSAKI off the show and let them BOTH work for Barnum and Baily’s Circus. And TELL them both not to FORGET their SHOVELS to SCOOP up their POOP.

  6. FBI agents when are you going to grow a pair and stand up to the rulers of the FBI who are doing the White House bidding instead of what they should be doing.

  7. Do you think the FBI should be storming this Dems house just like they did to the other 2 men that were shot, killed!!!???? HUH?? This pic says a thousand words does it no?? Hey FBI ppl, are you seeing this post of a dem threatening to eliminate Trump holding 2 guns, and red haired bitch should be part of the plan!¡


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