Dems are Getting SLOPPY with Trump Indictments!



As a Georgia voter I’ll vote for Mr Trump again for the 3rd time as a proud Latina standing for President Trump

All these cases should be thrown out as they are all very weak cases. They are an absolute waste of the taxpayers money. These prosecutors should be impeached, disbarred, and thrown in jail for abuse of power.


  1. The sloppier the dummycrats get with their phony lawsuits against Trump the more it shows the entire country, and perhaps the world, just how desparate the dummycrats are to take down Trump. Also shows that they may not be able to steal the next election since old stupid senile poopypants Joe is so hated and the republican poll watchers will be more alert to the dummycrat fraud. Kemp is a RINO and Willis is a Stacey Abrams puppet.

  2. Agreed. These people are just flat-out sick with these FAKE charges trying get Trumps supporters to turn on him! NEVER HAPPEN! Trump is more POPULAR THAN EVER! GOD BLESS TRUMP!

  3. Believe me, the deep state is in utter panic, which makes them dangerous. They are losing power when Trump regains power and they know it. They could care less about the destruction of this country. They will destroy anything or anyone who gets between them and their POWER.

    But, you can tell they are panicky because of what they are doing. Impeachment 1 and 2, phony charge and indictments 1 after another, Mara Lago, trial is all different liberal jurisdictions. Not one trial in even a 50% conservative court. All cases where extreme liberals are. D.C. is the middle of the swamp. New York, look at that sewer! Atlanta, a bastian of liberals in Georgia, Colorado, etc. where the lunatics are trying to keep Trump off the ballot. Trump cannot get a fair trial in any of those locations. But, God is on his side, and I am not afraid to say it. You liberals had better understand who you are in this battle with. And HE is never defeated. You may win a battle or two, but you will never win the war. We are not shrinking violets, we are warriors for justice. I pray Isaiah 54: 17 over Trump and will continue to do so, until VICTORY is ours.

  4. Apparently, the only reason we have remained a free country without political persecution is that nobody tried it. Then a non-politician came along and the Big Boys in the Behemoth Federal Bureaucracies and the career politicians didn’t want anybody who might upset the apple cart (get rid of their gravy train) and so they went after him and his supporters. Maxine screamed at her supporters “if they saw any known Trump supporter out in public, go after them, show them they are not welcome, yell and scream, and they did and nothing happened to anyone for that dangerous intrusion. The FBI framed Trump supporters, used the pretext they set up to charge them, put them in solitary and inferred they would get right out if agents “heard what they wanted to hear about Trump or his campaign”. Folks eventually were released, some – maybe all? ruined or at least damaged financially!! Nothing happened, even the one FBI Biggie who was fired for lying not only to congress (that only matters if it’s a private citizen) but he lied to the FBI. He got a big job with CNN and Biden totally restore all of his benefits. Nobody seems to care if it suits their Political leanings! This administration under their senile figurehead has ruled by edict, flooded our country with illegal aliens, including kidnapped young women and children sold into slavery and enabled cartels to also FLOOD our country with a killing drug that has spread throughout the country – and The People, The Politicians (of the ruling party) don’t seem at all alarmed. They simply act like it isn’t happening – like the monkeys? See no evil, Hear no evil, – No Evil!! We have never been in greater danger in the modern days!! And Reporters/Journalists/Talking Heads/Politicians – if it suits their politics, say nothing!!


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