The democrat party has never been a good virtuous party. But over the last 50 years it has went from being a democrat party to becoming a party of lunatic Marxist woke lazy punks. I used to be an independent, but I first realized something was wrong with the dummycrats during Jimmy Carter’s administration. By the time Bill Clinton stole the 1990 dummycrat primary race, I knew this was NOT the party of FDR or JFK and realized the day JFK was shot, the democrat party slowly turned into the dummycrat party. FDR and JFK were veterans of the U.S. Navy. Bill Clinton is a coward and a traitor and that’s the kind of people the dummycrats are attracted to.
Don’t blame any Democrat for getting out of the crazy party.
The democrat party has never been a good virtuous party. But over the last 50 years it has went from being a democrat party to becoming a party of lunatic Marxist woke lazy punks. I used to be an independent, but I first realized something was wrong with the dummycrats during Jimmy Carter’s administration. By the time Bill Clinton stole the 1990 dummycrat primary race, I knew this was NOT the party of FDR or JFK and realized the day JFK was shot, the democrat party slowly turned into the dummycrat party. FDR and JFK were veterans of the U.S. Navy. Bill Clinton is a coward and a traitor and that’s the kind of people the dummycrats are attracted to.