Deranged Liberal White Woman LOSES HER MIND After Confronted On Country Being Better Under Trump!



She strikes me as the type of woman that would rather watch the world burn than admit she’s wrong on any topic

Who else misses President Trump? The world was safe under Trump! FACTS!


  1. Great podcast. I’ll definitely check it out more often. Now, since that woman has such a filthy mouth, my only comment is for her to move the fuck out of this country. She and people like her are the reason this country is in trouble. I find her to be a traitor to the USA, FUCK HER (not that any reasonable man would want to)!

  2. This woman is talking about Biden and his lovely family. Who made money from China BIDEN. This white woman need mental help, just like her president.

  3. Dummycrat don’t have a mind to lose. Just complete emptiness between the ears and this stupid bitch proves my point. Bet she craps her underwear just like her hero stupid old senile poopypants Joe does.

  4. I’m sorry has this nutbag filth mouth bitch been to the store, got gas, or even looked at internet rates in the last six month. Jesus, even bananas have gone up .20 in the last couple of months. TDS is a mental illness and these people should be treated as a threat to this country.

  5. Talk about being brainwashed by the MSM. By any metric, the Biden Administration is an abject failure. What is better because of Biden? Are the streets safer? Is inflation under control? Is the border secure? Has he prevented an increase in drug trafficking and deaths? Is the threat of terrorism here and abroad less? Are our enemies, China, N. Korea, Russia and others less likely to attack our allies? Is the national debt lower? Are interest rates lower? The Biden presidency is going to make Jimmy Carter’s presidency look like it was a roaring success.


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