Donald Trump’s heartwarming gesture to young boy on his birthday



The American media won’t show us this!! Thank you aussies

I’m Canadian I am pushing 60 years old. I never in my lifetime seen President caring so much for the American people Mr. Trump keep up the great work and God bless you and protect you and to the little boy in the video. Happy birthday sir.


  1. That was beautiful. What has the Biden done that was so carrying (have drags (it’s) dancing on the lawn and through the WH at Christmas. When did you ever see them give of themselves such a personal touch.

  2. President Trump has always given his heart to everyone and it doesn’t surprise me to see he truly cares for this little handsome guy Liam and wants him to be well and safe. That’s the huge difference between Biden and Donald Trump, Biden has never and will never care for anyone except himself and his family. That’s the extent of his compassion. I truly believe all of the liberal left has the same heartless attitude towards people even if they are children. Donald Trump gave this country 4 wonderful safe and prosperous years and I hope to see him back in our White House again. God Bless President Trump and keep him safe from all harm.

  3. WOW… uplifting that was !!!!!!!What a guy…what a little boy!!
    So many of you lefties are so out to lunch!!! It’s things like this that
    are done behind the media that count…..
    Much different than word salads and the like….vote Trump and
    Harris & demo’s you can DUMP !!!
    NUFF SAID…..

  4. Trump shows he likes ves and he cares about Americans!! The communist Democrats only care about power and will lie, cheat , steal and murder to maintain power !! That is how every communist leader maintain his dictatorship.


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