Elon Musk BREAKS Internet With Hysterical Ad TORCHING Kamala, Goes VIRAL! Libs in Total MELT DOWN



Elon Musk is the most notable African American in history.

Let’s Make America Great Again! Deport! Deport! Deport! Drill Baby Drill!!
Trump/Vance 2024


  1. Let’s face it. Trump has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and the white dudes vote. There is still time to replace the old fool with someone that the voters respect. Trump has become a joke.

    • I believe that the commentary was regarding Harris, her incompetence, her word salads, her laziness and her stupidity. If it is a choice between Trump as a leader and a person who has done nothing correct in her entire career, I gotta go with Trump. He maybe a joke, but at least he is OUR joke. I am not sure Harris knows what country she is supposed to be serving. She actually said that we have an alliance with NORTH KOREA! Dude! If she wins, the joke is on us!

      • Trump babbles about his love letters from N. Korea’s Kim Jung UN, and has never said a bad word about him or his other idols Hitler and Putin. America has no need for a lying, corrupt, traitorous POS wannabe dictator. The majority of Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd after one term, and you’ll be better off if they do it again.

    • Under Biden/ Harris the stock market today LOST $1 TRILLION, UNEMPLOYMENT HIGHEST IN OVER A YEAR , ONLY 114000 JOBS ADDED IN JULY WHEN BIDEN Regime Said iT WOULD ADD 175000!!
      AND you in your stupidity said Trump is an orange t**d and didn’t know what he was doing ?? Keep on swallowing the blue turds fed you !!
      Stupid is as stupid says !!

  2. Elon Musk without his Money is just a flawed character that is obviously vindictive to say the Least. No wonder why he gets along just fine with the other Flawed Character the Humpty Dumpty TRUMPTY.

    • I like Elon. He does not pull his punches and he is capable of using humor. Please show me one person on this planet that is perfect and I will show you to a good psychiatrist because you need one desperately.

    • Except for tax cuts, I don’t understand what Elon sees in Trump. It’s certainly not any accomplishments. He proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology, or running the country. Probably the dumbest politician I’ve seen in 50 years.

    • Typical uneducated ignorant lib !! First thing you do is name calling!!
      ” When a lib KNOWS they have LOST they resort to name calling! Margaret Thatcher.
      ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated! Hillary Clinton

  3. You spelled Biden wrong !! Biden is totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology or running a country !!.he is the dumbest politician in history !
    Trump is an extremely smart and wealthy business man ! Shot your BS DOWN! Under him there were No new wars in world , shot your BS DOWN.
    Biden and Democrats have no idea about science. You believe there are 70+ genders !! Shot your BS DOWN!
    Biden had no clue about geography ( neither does Kamala) she didn’t know where Ukraine is !! Shot your BS DOWN
    You don’t know history and neither does your clown in WH !! CALLS leaders by different names ! Shot your BS DOWN
    Running a country !! Under Trump Hispanic, women, and black unemployment at 40 yr low , inflation at historic low, mo new wars , gas prices under $2 gallon ( now around $5) shot your BS DOWN
    Now go back to Mommy’s basement!! You are way way way to uneducated and ignorant to try to converse with adults.

    • Sounds like you didn’t know Biden wasn’t running? Typical MAGA-moron. You also seem to think that Biden or Trump or any president tells companies what they can charge for their products. You didn’t know unemployment is near a long-term low? Maybe check facts before displaying your ignorance? Remember the majority of Americans flushed the orange turd last election? I can assure you it wasn’t because he was doing a good job. Plus, who wants an old senile corrupt wannabe dictator like Trump for president?

      • I’m not as STUPID as YOU !! I KNOW the lying dementia ridden fool isn’t running !! You are a typical STUPID LIB !!
        The president and his policies affect business !! Again proving your stupidity !! The Biden economy is destroying America !!
        Stores and restaurants all over country are closing due to his policies !!
        Unemployment near long term low ?? Damn you stupid !! What about ALL people looking sing their jobs due to Biden ?? Unemployment is near 5 percent !! Displaying your stupidity??
        Biden got in due to voter g aid and corruption on part of Democrats !!
        ” We have iny opinion created the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD SYSTEM in history of America!” Biden .
        In 2020 there were 135 million registered voters. BOTH PARTIES and media AGREED TRUMP GOT 75+ MILLION VOTES !! NOW put your 2 brain cells together and explain how Biden got 81 million votes!!
        In your stupidity you don’t realize you have an old senile wannabe dictator on the WH NOW !!
        STUPIDITY HAS OVER TAKEN YOU !! I surprised you know how to tie your shoes !!
        ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated ” Hillary

        • Sorry to hear you are a brainwashed Maga-moron. Do you even know how to check facts, or do you just swallow all the bullshit that loser Trump feeds you?

        • So the 62 election investigations were all wrong, but your idiotic opinion is right? You’re an uneducated fool. Give the phone back to mommy.


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