Even Liberal Bill Maher now ADMITS IT.



He had the power. He chose to nullify Trump’s EO on the border.

Giving Bill Maher credit for what we’ve been saying for years somehow gives him validation. Is that where we are now?


  1. Biden has the power to close the border but he won’t do it he wants to blame the Republicans and he wants to use illegals to vote for him. Law’s don’t mean nothing to him because corruption and Lies is a way of life for Democrats.

  2. OK, so Maher stood shouting from the left bank. But he has reversed his position to “our” side. Stop beating the guy up. Yeah, he was “man overboard”, but why not be glad, throw him a life preserver and say “welcome aboard”!

  3. Biden will not close the borders because he could care less. He’s totally incompetent and should be in a Nursing Home. The man is so sick, but yet Democrats and Jill Biden continue to lead him by the hand on stage for the world to see and our enemies are getting bolder and bolder.

    • People throughout the world, judge Americans by our President and their mental state, much the same as we judge an opponent by their mental aptitude! Donald Trump may not have been a Politician, but he made it quite clear that he would in-fact defend America, to the point that our enemies thought twice before showing any type of aggression!
      Biden’s obvious mental weakness and inabilities, simply embolden those same aggressors, against us! Our Allies try to shield him, and our Enemies continue to push him, in a more aggressive manor, each day!
      As a NATION, we simply cannot base our FREEDOM on internal political affiliations!

  4. Liberalism is an incurable disease. Maher is just having a slight remission but I promise you the cancer will return with a vengeance.


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