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Ex-CIA: How Politics Destroyed the CIA & How to Fix It | Mike Baker

Ex-CIA: How Politics Destroyed the CIA & How to Fix It | Mike Baker



Back in the early 2000’s I was offered a job at the CIA. A senior Secretary job. I lived with my family in Miami. I would have had to move to either Maryland or Virginia, they hadn’t told me. All I received was the big envelope in the mail. I was ecstatic to say the least. But my sister had recently made Aliya to Israel and my mom was depressed and not feeling well. So I wanted my parents to move with me. My mom really didn’t feel well so she was not moving. And her favourite show on tv was 24. She was so worried that I would work for someone important and I would be killed for information. It sounds silly but it was real for her being someone who went through the Holocaust, ran away from Hungary to Israel and joined the Israeli Army. Also having her step father killed in Israel by Russians…. So with a very heavy heart I wrote a letter to the CIA declining the job opportunity. And the rest of the story, my mom had cancer and she died in 2007. I often think our lives may have been better, my mom may have gotten better treatment up north and she may have still been here. I wanted so much to work for the CIA.

One half of the FBI, IRS and CIA should be removed. 50% should be in the top level.

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