Gavin Is Done – State Farm’s ULTIMATUM To California Could End Newsom’s Presidential Hopes



I am so tired of all this BS in California!!!!!

People that never lived in Cali have no idea how amazing it was back in my day. (80s and 90s Bay Area) It really had a special energy and excitement no matter what we went thru. I hate being tribal, but Dems totally ruined it.


  1. People time to wake up and smell the crap the democrats have been peddleing. In cSE YOU HAVEN’T BEEN PAying attention, they have been plaYING YOU ALL FOR FOOLS. As I have been saying forever the democrats will eat your own. Joey has 4000 committed delegates, and they are throwing him under the bus because they don’t think he will win and he could cost them their power. Just remember it was here just a few short weeks ago it was Nancy Chuckie Adam and Barack telling you that Joey’s mental Acquity was perfect. The news media WAS TELLING US HE WAS EVEN SHARPER THAN trump. ha! ha! ha! YOU FOOLS, even if you had looked at this with a Jaundice eye a blind man could see that Joey was not capable of tying his shoes. But again, you sucked up the Democrat BS like a lap dog at a pudding party. The minister from Detroit had it right, Trump is the people person, the only man running that can save this country’s dignity.

  2. California will continue to become a Communist State, and take all your God given rights away from you. It’s a shame that Northern CA can’t break away from Southern CA, because they have tried several times, but failed. The democrat party should be disbanded, and none of them allowed to hold government jobs, or allowed to to run in any elections. It’s amazing that so many of them get arrested for sleazy acts. To my knowledge, no democrats have ever gone to Heaven, because of all the Karma matter they have earned. I have died several times, and been able to talk with my Lord Jesus Christ, who is upset because they continue to murder His children. I could see Nancy Pelosi, standing in front of God, in her usual state of drunken numbness trying to be allowed to stay, but the Hell Hounds show up to drag her to Hell.


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