Gen Z Voter DESTROYS Kamala Harris In 60 SECONDS!



Why would ANYONE vote for Kamala? Seriously. Why?

I’m STILL Pissed that They Got Brittany whatever her gay name is out of Russia, while other Americans still sitting there rotting.


  1. let’s face it. Trump has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and the white dudes vote. There is still time to replace the old fool with someone that the voters respect. Trump has become a joke.

    • Some people never wake to the fact that they are just plain stupid! It’s amazing how they still flourish. Anyone that voted for Biden or Camelhump is a welfare rat, looking for handouts from the Dems that they always promise, but never deliver. Get a job, Juan!

    • Look American it is another Kamala Kommie trying to distort what America is really feeling. You afraid you might deported?

  2. YES lets get a known bigot in. Jordan from the house. Senator Cotton from the trash can. Speaker of the house from his pulpit. Ah but wait a minute. None of them have the B—-to run against the Orange bigot!!

    • Trump makes everyone puke when the lunatic starts babbling nonsense about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales & windmills, rigged elections, showers & toilet flushes, nuking hurricanes, wet rain, islands surrounded by water, and other moronic statements. He is both physically and mentally unfit to be president, and he’s an embarrassment to America.

      • Get some help, Juan. Moving out of mom’s basement, would be a good start, no matter how COOL it looks to you. Oh yeah, and get a job!

        • Sorry, it must be depressing for you to keep supporting a total loser like Trump. Hillary got 3 million more votes. Biden flushed the orange turd without even campaigning or holding rallies. Trump lost again with his failed Red Tsunami. If insults help your pain, fine, go for it. Are you going to be a blubbering idiot when Trump loses again, as usual? The majority of Americans still have no use for an old corrupt lying traitorous POS wannabe dictator. That’s obvious.


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