GOP Congressman REJECTS Biden Impeachment as White House REFUSES To Release Hunter Biden Emails!



We need young republicans with heart to join the GOP. In stead of running the streets reckless do something good for this country.

We know Republicans arent going to do crap. Theyre not evdn defending Trump. They ALLLLLL need to go.


  1. If you are happy with hyper inflation, happy with rising prices more than your wages are, happy with mentally ill homeless people making a total mess of cities, illegal immigration, with Obama running his 3rd term through Joe Biden, with the high prices of gas, with shutting down our energy independence, with paying out Billions of Dollars for someone elses war, with increased crime and courts who will not sentence criminals to prison when convicted, of overblown Congressional Salaries and benefits while we get nothing in return, With George Soros and other Globalists buying Washington DC, with having our military degraded and decimated due to lack of funding, having our children forced to study Islam and LGBTQ+ books, propaganda, and individuals teaching your children and then lying to you about what they are doing, and if you like your rights as given by our US Constitution and Bill of Rights either totally ignored or abridged under some phony rule, then maybe you should start looking for some changes in the leadership of this nation. Currently we are a laughing stock of the world with Joe Biden as POTUS. Now the LIberals are saying they will sue to keep Trump off the Ballot using the 14th ammendment of the Constitution as their basis of action. That was put in after the Civil War in 1986 to stop any Southern State Leaders from creating an Inserrection back then. Today that is not even relivant. Besides what has Trump been found guilty of? I always was taught that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law with a jury of his piers making the final determination. If you look back at people in the Democratic Party such as Maxine Waters of California and her saying that Trump was not her President, to make war against Trump, I would say she has down more than Trump ever did. So where is equal justice under the law?

  2. Throw all libs under the bus-disgrace to the US. Too stupid to recognize the complete idiot in the WH while the commies try to bar the be best candidate from running. Dems are either totally dumb or commies and should be obliterated.


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