Harry Sisson is learning the hard way



I am a Trump supporter but I hardly spend much time thinking about him during the day. People like Sissen think about Trump 24/7

He’s not crying yet. More celebrating is needed.


  1. What a piece of SIMP trash. Is he ‘casting’ from his Mom’s basement? That background would leave one to believe so. A plain wall, no visible possessions in onsite or in sight. This ‘influencer’ can’t even influence a certain appendage of his body, such is his eunuch status.

    But do please continue. It just may keep him from buying a firearm and climbing on to a sloped roof. They all come from the same ineffectual male mold.

  2. This guy is a total retard. It’s not that we’re celebrating Trump. It’s that we’re celebrating that their is about to be someone in the White House that will care for Americans and will put America first. Someone who will stand up for the Constitutional rule of law and abide by it. Someone who knows that America is a Republic, NOT a democracy. Someone who realizes that ALL lives matter and will treat ALL Americans as equals. Someone who will bring back American greatness and the American Dream. Someone who will show other countries how to succeed, prosper, and thrive. Someone who will create jobs, lower prices of food, gas, and other necessities. Someone who will actually try to bring the diverse segments of America together, rather than try to sow divisions between them. Someone who will protect our borders from foreign invaders who want nothing more than to take advantage of and destroy our great country and way of life. I’d never heard of this Harry Sisson guy until I watched this video, and it’s my opinion that he should have stayed wherever he disappeared to. If he hates America, freedom, and prosperity SO much, perhaps he should move to a country more suited for someone with such a backwards mindset. There are PLENTY of places that would be just right for this ignorant loud-mouth.


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