He had the balls to say it lol



Why is it “appalling” to state biological FACTS? Why should anyone apologize for opinions?

I was so proud of him for simply saying a woman is a woman and a man is a man; that tells us how deep the gaslighting goes. Mind-rape is real!


  1. Yes God Almighty. Made the man for the women I don’t think that a man should try to be a woman I have seen them and some look like men in drag

    • Think you better read your Bible again Jess, it clearly and unequivocally says that God made the woman for the man, Genesis 2 verse 18, to be a help mate to him and it has been the attempt to reverse these roles that has been the cause of many of the problems we see today.

  2. If there’s ANY confusion . . . Take a DNA test – it tells A-L-L! Spoiler alert: hormone therapy or so called “trans surgery” won’t change ANYTHING (except there’s that chance you may NEVER have kids). Just sayin’.

  3. The plain and simple fact is that humans cannot “Change the gender of any human being”!!! They can inject a body with powerful hormones (which mixed up person would have to have injected for life) and they can do varying amounts of very expensive cosmetic surgery – and in the end a man will look and sound more like a woman; or a woman will look and sound more like a man. In neither case will the gender be “CHANGED” for either male or female – a human will always remain what they were born. If they have mental problems about their gender get some mental health treatment. A young person will like as not change their desire as soon as they are fully mature – ie if they are “treated” by adults before puberty and/or simply mature and realize what they have destroyed of the possibilities in their adult lives!!

  4. When a man can impregnate another man and get that man pregnant to the point 9 months later a normal baby is delivered, how I don’t know, I will always believe their are only males and females and a lot of mentally ill people.

    • Right Dave and w know how that thinking came to be, the Apostle Paul told us, Read Romans 1 verses 22 thru 32, especially verse 28, It Says: “Because They Refused To Retain God In Their Knowledge, They Were Given Up To A ‘Reprobate Mind’ ” , The Word Reprobate Was Translated From A Greek Word That Literally Means: ‘A Mind That Is Not Capable Of Logic, Reason or Common Sense, It Sees Right As WRONG And Wrong As RIGHT ‘, A PERFECT Description Of What Is Going On In The Country Today.

  5. Carlos Santana did not make any apologies, that was his publicist. He made a statement after this supposed apology and said he was not apologizing for what he said. He also said that that his intention wasnt to offend anyone but that he was stating his opinion justified by the facts.


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