Gavin is a self righteous tyrant, period. Sic, Semper, Tyrannus!
Gavin Newsom and all of the people that voted him into office are the main reasons that I have no desire to go to Commiefornia.
Gavin is a self righteous tyrant, period. Sic, Semper, Tyrannus!
Gavin Newsom and all of the people that voted him into office are the main reasons that I have no desire to go to Commiefornia.
At one time California was a nice place to visit. Some would even say it was a nice place to live. The great tax revolt of the early 90s started in California and caused the dummycrats to lose congress in the 1994 mid terms. It’s clear the ugly old stupid drunk corrupt hag Pelosi put in motion the dummycrat election theft machine and now California is a hopeless raw sewage hole and is now being run by the Pelosi family. Kind of makes a person wonder this worthless bitch wants to move to Florida after the old whore is done screwing up congress but doesn’t want to go back to the state she screwed up.
Right on. You called it as I see it!!!!!
The pro New World Order Globalist trying to build the evil World Government mentioned in the Bible hate Trump. Biden attacks our Constitution why claiming to support democracy.