Host Goes Silent as Her Gotcha Question for IDF Officer Backfires



On behalf of all decent Americans, I’d like to apologize to this IDF officer for this so-called, “journalist’s” insulting questions.

This IDF rep is exemplary, unlike that so called journalist. Strange that the world have such a high standard of conduct for Israel, but none for anyone else.


  1. Liberals don’t live in the real world, they inhabit their own elite little self righteous, accusatory and closed minded universe, in which they are never wrong and anyone with a different opinion is always wrong and worthy of shaming. Truth is lost on them.

  2. These journalists are dumber than a baked potato their is a huge difference between collateral damage and murder these journalists create the victim card which has always been the scream of these barbarians after they attack intelligent people get it sadly our young people have their arses buried so far in tik tok they don’t know the difference between genocide slaughter and right to survive as a people these same visitors as see calls them were dancing in the streets just last week at at 9/11 no pity here

  3. I stand with Israel no matter what. What Hana’s did was Demonic War Crimes against Hewish babies, teenagers, adults and the elderly. It’s simple…If you don’t want a war don’t start one. Israel must do what it has to in order to protect its people. Sad that so many deceived in America support terrorist barbarism.

  4. No one should be watching the national news at night. Let them all go down the tubes just like CNN has. Be nice if they would all just go off the air peroid. Nothing but lying liberals and hypocrites. “we can do it to you, BUT you can’t do it to us” mentality. Israel all the way.


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