How Trump’s Win EXPOSED Barack Obama and the Entire Democrat Party



Obama was literally begging America to let him continue to be in charge.

Every democrat accusation is really a confession.


  1. Magas Maggots, comparing, the flaws,corruption, felonies, fraud, sexual assaults, Lying, breaking THE LAWS, between BIDEN & HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY’S, IS LIKE COMPARING A MOUNTAIN TO MOLE HILL WITH TRUMPTY BEING THE ⛰️ MOUNTAIN. SO GO FUCK YOURSELVES, COCKROACHES TRASHY PEOPLE. Enough said.

  2. Yes Dems and Rinos really love to spend Tax Payers money, obambo and biden did make plenty PORK for there family’s and there sheep say its ok they don’t mind paying more taxes to support there masters .Thanks for getting some one in office this time that wants to CUT the PORK But the rions last time helped dem keep him from getting the job done all the way and i am afraid this house speaker johnson will be the same the way he has CRAWLED for biden and the dems

  3. Obama continues to prove his irrelevance. Thankfully, he took it slow when he was President. Imagine what damage he could have done in 8 years, if he did then what he has orchestrated as puppet master for the 4 years of Biden’s farce?

  4. I love listening to soar losers suck it up buttercups good policies beats crappy policies every day of the week it’s a great day America when Trump gets back in the White House America first not last I’m laughing at all you losers so frickin funny can’t stop laughing at you dems

  5. We are a republic not a democracy Obummer can suck on Mikey’s plurality sack if that’s what he thinks pluralism is just an empty word coming from his irrelevancy in an effort to be part of the duality of political satire that has saturated the demoncratic agenda like he matters He doesn’t what a waste of oxygen


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