Huge BOMBSHELL drops on Tucker Carlson’s show



There’s no way anyone could breach our capital building while congress is in session without help from the capital police and FBI.

Liberal hive mind is the only conservative leaning truth teller on YouTube not pretending this is some sort of complicated issue that doesn’t deserve scrutiny.


  1. Speaking of “stepping in” Trump did it again, saying that Hamas was very smart and of course they are off and running with his comment… Now all are saying he is against Israel and IS FOR Hamas… GOOD, Donnie. Keep screwing yourself, by opening your childish mouth and stepping on your OWN tongue because of your ego of a two year old child. JUST STOP with the stupid mouth.. They now have more shit to throw at you. You have given more ammo to the walking corpse who is throwing cliches at the USA and they are eating it like a stoned junkie looking for a Mickey D’s. JUst shut the hell up, or you will not have a chance in ’24

  2. I will tell u what happened our CIA is not doing their job of protecting American interest they are busy doing cover up on Bidens curruption and kissing his ass while biden gives American tax dollars to Israels enemies and causing this war and don’t forget Biden arming Israels enemies with our best weapons like we did leaving Afghanistan it is all Biden fault

    • Yes, I 100% agree with you. My children and I all talk about how things were so much better under Trump. The border was closed and we would not have had millions of illegals coming into our country bringing Fentanyl and Lord knows what else; gas and food prices were once affordable and under Trump Israel would never have been under siege, babies would not have been brutally slain, and even the Palestinians would be safe. Not all Palestinians are evil, I am sure. Our country is in danger with the present administration and it is so frightening. A far as I am concerned the whole kit and kaboodle should be arrested for endangerment to our country. As an added note, the Squad should be relieved of their office and duties.

  3. I getting sick of these stupid fkg remarks,by Trumnp.Knock it off, would u,u aren’t gaining any votes,but losing them. The dumbocraps are the enemy of the american people,leave it like that,while they screw themselves.If the repukes,could get their act together, and get something done,things would be much better.U clowns are fighting amongst yourselves, lik dummycraps.Quit acting like grade schoolers, and do your dam job,or get the hell out.U politicians better start working for the american people, or we will vote, all u incompetent,greedy hypocrites out of office.Do your dam job,shut the border down,quit letting in more terrorists.If hidenbiden doesn’t shut the border down arrest myorkis,and others up ti biden for not doing the job they took an oath for.

    • President Trump said “Humas is smart”. “Smart” does not equal “Support”. It simply means that Humas pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes. So get your head screwed on straight.

  4. Katie…agree! Trump is all for America First and its allies like Israel! No doubt brain deprived ir brain dead demo to misinterpret. They must have missed English and spelling classes etc

  5. We still got a while with Obama a third presidency I just hope he does not cause world war three all we need is the perfect storm to get everyone mad at Israel and we have armegedon Bidens and Obama are a complete disaster


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