I Asked Chicago Voters: Kamala or Trump? What Happened Next Is INSANE



The people that want Harris don’t even know why. It’s Trump 2024 all the way.

He is the last hope for America.


  1. That’s because the very corrupt liberal politicians have been telling lies about Trump for years and the disgusting media has been teaming up with them They would do anything to win and I mean ANYTHING They say that Trump is a dictator when the truth is they r the ones that have taken away so many of r freedoms (to me that sounds like exactly what happened in Germany in WW II) Every time the speak they lie I just can’t understand that people can’t see this Very sad for those of us that have served and love this Country That they want to destroy & give away to people who come here illegally (not the same as coming here legally those voting for Harris don’t seem to know the difference!!! Also the whole dnc ‘convention’ spent 90% of the time trashing Trump (because they have NO solutions) What has Harris been doing for the last 3 and a half years Now she’s going to fix the border Wow that’s astounding to me one more thing If they ever even bothered to read the Bible then they would know Every time they tell more lies about Trump They bear false witness against their neighbor (Gods Rule)

    • Diana always remember that if a democrap say something that seems corrosive, then it comes from experience. Trump has been called a Nazi, a dictator, and numerous other fine pieces of verbiage, but when you listen to what they are saying at that time, they are already practicing it. Like Trump will take this country down if reelected. Pardon me but isn’t that what the democrap party is doing right now. The try to blame their failures on Trump even though they have or will never take the blame for what has happened the last 4 years. They always blame their opponent and never take the blame for their failures, NEVER! They are the best at deception, always blaming their failures on someone else, just like she did in her acceptance spew of lies.

  2. I still haven’t heard what Harris has done in four years. So what has Trumpdone to pass people off except keep us out of wars, lower taxes for all and increase the American economy. These women should also they don’t own a home with the tax plan that Kamala has planned.

    • Harris hasn’t done a damn thing in all the time she’s been VP. Not a damn thing. She’s been on a joy ride and raking in money like crazy Making over $250,000 a year. No wonder she’s the laughing Hyena. She doesn’t have a brain in her head and she’s been the most stupid VP this country has ever had. She’s got to go and we don’t want her as President of the United States. This isn’t her country, it’s ours, and we need to activate the Army to kick her the hell out of office. They’re a bunch of cheats anyway so what’s the difference and we don’t need to count crooked ballots that the Migrants have been voting and getting driver’s licenses. President Trump needs to be installed immediately to save the U.S. It’s how I feel – can’t stomach this imbicillic moron or her creazed Communist running mate Tim Walz
      any longer.

    • because “we” believe, real convicted felons should NOT be out, on the street, or ever be allowed to vote. That would be stupid (like all demon-rats)(socialist)(the unstable)


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