I Was Wrong About Climate Change! I’m Sorry



Love that within 2 minutes of being posted you already have a “context note” to explain climate change and linking to the U.N.

It is kind of poetic that a pagan festival in the desert had flood inducing downpour.


  1. This “man” is from Austin , Texas. Well , there you go, another long drawn out bit of irony and black humor, destroyed by a long drawn out apology. Is he being “rhetorical, funny , ironic , or whatever?”?
    Those who want complete elimination of CO2 emissions do not understand what that means , and I can assure you that those who fall for this , do not. Every man, woman , and any other made up gender , EMITS CO2 with every breath. As do mammals. TREES and all other plant life NEEDS CO2 to live, and their BYPRODUCT is OXYGEN. Cows “farting”?? Four stomachs , and yes Virginia , cows do not fart, however , go to any bar , football game , baseball game , democrat meeting and there is FARTING . “THE VIEW” emits more farts than another show .Eliminate THEM first.

  2. First of all almost anyone who is over the age of 50,60,70 or 80 could have predicted that Climate Change happens every single year. Just like The trees sprout leaves and then the leaves keep things cool and then the leaves start falling and then they fall off and the trees is partially dormant and the process is the same year after year after year. In Some instances that may not happen all the time. Most of the time. Its those of us who can’t get excited about Climate Change, understand that some years we have higher temperatures and some years its not quite so hot. Other years your garden is good and some years the seed doesn’t germinate and so it goes.

  3. Just a downpour of rain? Too bad it was a blinding blizzard with 20 degrees below zero temps with a 60 mile an hour wind giving a wind chill temp of over 50 degrees below zero. NOW THAT’S CLIMATE CHANGE!

  4. Do you want the truth about climate change. Well here you are. Climate change is the Lord being beyond sick of us acting like we do. Do you remember when he flooded the earth. It was because the people were acting just like the left is doing now. No morality pick a sex kill babies even after they are born because they were a mistake that the women doesn’t want bothered with & the list goes on. Our God is a loving God but he also is vengeful God when he has had enough of out hateful actions disrespect 2 tier justice system & etc Wake up people the only thing running the climate is the Lord. Has he got you attention yet. Hope your on the right side of things as he is about to rain down HELL on people who go against him in anyway. You can no longer set on the fence. Just watch!!!

  5. Very good replies and I agree with everyone of them. I blame all of those that cut and remove trees constantly to build another highrise or another road that leads to somewhere that already has 100 roads going to the same place, and to stupid to know how good trees are for our environment and to lazy to replant them, or someone thats to ignorant to carry their trash to a trash can or take it back home to get rid of it instead of throwing it on the road or in our rivers and lakes. there’s what really causes climate change. Some of us have actually known that for years because we were taught about it in school, unlike what schools teach now.

  6. If you believe there is climate change globally you have to recognize local events are not global and people need to stop confusing the two. The floods at burning man were going to happen regardless if people were there. Climate change agendas are a means to justify policies hidden in propaganda and not founded in science just like Covid-19 was used to deploy scare tactics for control.

  7. I’ve never heard such an idiotic statement in my life! This moron has just sworn allegiance to every person and organization that hopes to foist a global tyranny on everyone. A sad testament to the stupidity of humanity.


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