Is Mike Johnson the Right Man for the Job?



We never get the right person. We just get the one most agree to vote for

Isn’t it time to let Europe worry about Ukraine and Putin?


  1. All this talk is useless. Try reading the book of Revelation in the Bible. God told us of the last days and they are here. Nothing we can do will stop all this. What we need to do is remove all America hating people from our government and stop spending money like drunken sailors and stop the tax theft.

  2. I agree with NavVet. We also need to stop giving money & influence to all countries & entities, that are on record as being our enemies. This would save us billions of our taxpayer dollars. We also need to ensure that all NATO countries, are the ones who give the most support to Ukraine. This will allow us to give Israel (our strongest ally), the money, & weaponry it needs to crush Hamas, & it’s allies. The US & our other allies need to sanction Iran, to the point that it becomes bankrupt. We also need to let Iran know that any attacks on us, or our people, will result in extremely dire consequences for their government. If Trump had been reelected, none of this would be happening. Impressment promotes strife; but strength promotes peace. Trump was respected & feared by our enemies. Biden is laughed at by our enemies. Biden is also the major cause of our economic issues, as well as others.

  3. They should have stuck with Jim Jordan, but the DemocRATS are afraid of him as well as the RINO’s. That makes appeasement the key word as well as draining the swamp. Luckily, Mitt Romney from Utah is retiring.

  4. Fuck sending money to anyone! Take care of our own problems! Send the military to the border and shut it down now! Send the illegals packing, America has had enough of freeloaders and terrorists! Use that money and send the scum back to where they came from, fentanyl and all

  5. This crap would never have happened if President Trump was in our White House. The POS hateful to this country pr… Biden that’s causing all this mess should be gone, as in GONE!! I would spit in his ugly disgusting face if I had the chance.

  6. If we’re going to send money to help Israel, I like Mike Johnson’s idea of taking that money away from the dummycrat government thug organization called the IRS. At least the money will be actually used to help someone instead of funding a dummycrat sponsored terrorist attack on the American using the IRS. But this doesn’t change the fact that stupid old senile poopypants Joe still wants to repeat the mistakes of the Viet Nam war doing it in the middle east. Purepurple wants to spit in Joe’s face. I’d like to knock his false teeth down his throat but big talking punk ass Joe would hide behind the secret service agents like the wimpy coward he is.

  7. The blood of the Israelis, the Americans dying in our inner cities of violent crime, the Ukrainians dying in Ukraine, the fentanyl deaths, & the millions of Americans who will die of open border policies is solely on the hands of the American hating scum & imbeciles who vote for democrats because they didn’t like President Trumps tweets. FJB ULTRA-MAGA MIKE


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