It’s Even WORSE Than They Thought!!!



It has been very sad to have a corrupt, inept and demented guy in the White House along with a woman of ill repute as vice president. Weird times , weird times.

Have you ever seen people fight so hard not to have to face an opponent they claim they can easily beat?!
Trump 2024.


  1. American Males have been pussyfied from prekindergarden all the way to adulthood. Men bent over backwards to apease the female sex to the point the is nausiating. They lost their balls. Any ship or aircraft has a Captain (Male or Female) to be in charge of everything about the craft and take the responsibility when things go wrong. Now the male has been nutered, bends over backwords to do what ever he female wants, and must bare the resposibility for their desires when it goes wrong, and for what, a little pussy? God almighty, when will men regrow some balls and start acting like men agian?

    • Not sure where your meeting these men at. But not all men are as you say. If your looking for that prince who will take you away. Then that’s your problem. Your living in a fantasy world. Any man in that class is not looking for women like that. Men are waking up to that kind of women. Real men want strong women so they don’t have to carry their problems for them. My wife is a strong minded women and won’t expect me to do anything she won’t do herself. That’s how a real strong women works. We both do what’s needed cause we know we can do it better then others. What makes you think you can do it better the 2nd time if you can’t do it right the first time around.

  2. I’m 85 years old and find a vast difference between our generation and the generation currently running things. What a major change. The new generation has been pushed through the obama school system of dumbing down and the, don’t think for yourself program, I’ll tell you what to do. It’s obvious, especially in the liberal areas.

  3. What’s worse is the fact these are adults doing this stupid BS. Bad enough we have to explain the difference between men and women. But on the hole, the democrats are trying to destroy the country and everything we stand for. It’s the anti christ democrats against the world and God. Only question left to ask yourself is , where do you stand on that.

  4. Whenever adversity came my way my mom and all the other moms would tell their sons you have to be a man about it today moms do whatever they can to protect their boy from bad things military can’t fill their quotas because Moms think that’s not a good thing for their boy ..


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