Jesse Watters: Trump has a simple solution for our homelessness crisis



Here’s a solution; make registered Democrat voters take them in. The party of love and tolerance shouldn’t have a problem with that.

I’ve long believed that sanitariums were wrongfully closed down. They should have been cleaned up and reformed, not shut down.


    • You hit the nail on the head! They, actually, don’t realize that the liberal policies work against the public, the working citizens, and those struggling with addiction and/or mental illness. The idea that more and more programs should exsist, while expecting less and less from citizens’ participation and productive work is asinine! It can only lead to our nation’s collapse as more people decide to take from instead of contribute to society.

  1. I also have a solution to the problem…send all the illegals back to their original countries….that will also help the homeless crisis this country has …it will give our own citizens ,like our vets, more housing….

  2. Just a simple solution like this is definitely the answer. We did not invite these thousands, millions to come here the illegal route. We are not equipped to handle this humungous amount of people. It is not possible, and not only Americans will suffer, but so will the illegals. Biden is that stupid to not realize the effects of this deluge of people, or was it the votes he hopes to receive in thankfulness. I sure do hope his plan fails big time, and if Democrat voters can see what the future holds for their children, grandchildren and even themselves, they may just think twice about voting Democrat. Let’s hope and pray.

    • Biden and his puppet masters knew full well what the results would be to all the changes in industry, law, enforcement, education, finance, etc. that they initiated: the destruction of every modicum of earned success that everyone else in this country achieved HONESTLY AND HONORABLY – unlike these treasonous lying parasites.

  3. If you all think Republicans are the answer then you have not been paying attention. Or you are incapable of logical thinking. All the programs you love have all been put forward by Democrats. Love Medicare, Social Security, the public school system those are not Republican programs. If you don’t wake up you will lose your Democracy you have already lost your humanity.

    • Spoken like a true socialist, and if democrats cared about any of us ,democrat or Republican he would be destroying the country and like a true democratic politician has us on the verge of WW3 , thus their infamous motto , WAR MONGERS, do you all think when the war here breaks out that the democrats are going to be asked if they are democrat or Republican before they shoot you. I doubt it. But good luck with that tho. Hope you have no one but yourself to worry about.

    • You’re right about medicare and social security and the public school system. You stupid dummycrats love to steal money from working people’s paycheck every week with the empty promise the money will be used to rake care of us when we get old. Meanwhile, your stupid thieving dummycrat politicians have been STEALING money from those programs since the 1960s with NO intention of paying any of it back. And the public school system is a major failure. Private schools do much better at educating young people. And since you’re too stupid to realize this, WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY!!!! WE ARE A REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC!!!! Dumb fuck head Californian.

  4. Every organization that assisted in bring the illegal immigrants should have their assets frozen and it should be used to fund the costs of them being in the country and their removal to where they came in from. I think that Political leaders that participate in breaking the law by intentionally not enforcing immediate removal should be removed from office and charged criminally.

  5. Great idea! Make the liberals take in the homeless. To keep it fair and balanced the conservatives will then be made to to raise all the children produced due to lack of abortion availability.

  6. I have the best idea to take care of the homeless and the illegals, since the dummycrats refuse to clean up the mess they made. It’s called nerve gas.


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