Joe Biden claims to have ‘grown up’ in black churches



I’m so humiliated for anyone who voted for this criminal, and especially for anyone who would vote for him now.

I’m seriously amazed Joe Biden hasn’t claimed to have been at the signing of the Declaration of Independence


  1. The senile criminal pervert is so full of BS he doesn’t even know right from wrong!

    For God’s sake put him and his grossly incompetent administration, FBI, DOJ, ANTIFA, BLM, leftys, criminals, and illegals in prison, deport, or face capital punishment accordingly!

    Every single one of them are so appalling and disgusting, have absolutely no character, morals, self esteem, integrity, ethics, or even the ability to tell the truth! I can’t believe this trash runs the street loose or put in positions of power!

  2. Bye dunce needs to have a diaper change, find a corner, shut his mouth, suck on his bottle, and go to sleep. Oohhh, doesn’t sleepy J.O.e do most of that already-!!! Personally, I don’t know how he graduated high school. The “man” definitely has issues. . . Criminal issues. Psychiatric issues. Geriatric issues. Memory issues. Perpetual Lying issues. He whined the same as H R C to be Prez. Demonic.Rsts are an extension of the Mob.

  3. He is the biggest liar or dementia has got to him big time. Dementia patients do think they have done something they never have. A lady one time with dementia was left with a person while her caregiver had to do errands. When she returned the lady said she told her she took her car (didn’t have one) and drove to NH and visited her brother (who was dead for yrs) and drove back and the caregiver never knew she had taken the trip. In his case I think a combination of both.

  4. His dementia is so obvious . It breaks bad on the Left that they are so willing to pretend to be blind, or just plain stupid desperate to hand on to this puppet. They are a one trick pony and put all their eggs in one CASKET… Joe Biden’s. They have painted themselves into a corner with only batshit crazy radicals to go against him, like the GREASE ball Gavin Newsome, who is now back peddaling on his own bullsht policies in the third world California

  5. So, let me get this straight, Biden claims to be a Black, latino jew….!!!!!This guy needs a hospital…pronto. And anyone who believes his crap belongs there also

  6. The arrogantly incompetent biden and his completely incompetent communist democrat administration are destroying our beloved country..

  7. I’d finally believe the Liar-In-Thief if he said he grew up in Rev. Wright’s pimp house.

    “No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”-Shuck n Jive Jerimiah Wright


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