Joy Reid Blames White People After Nikki Haley GETS DESTROYED In Embarrassing South Carolina LOSS!



Woman of her word? Didn’t she tell Trump she would never campaign against him? I knew when she stood up on stage and told the country “if you want something done right give it to a woman” that there was no way I could vote for her!

The fact that Gavin Newsom supports Nikki Haley confirms that we should NOT vote for her!!


  1. Nikki Haley is a two faced lying RINO who has the funds of the democrats to help her because she has made a promise to them if she became president she would run this country into dictatorship just like they want to do. Haley stated she is inspired by Hillary Clinton, she admires Clinton, what does that tell you? Our USA needs a patriotic leader who will stand up to all of our enemies, put our country first and make our country stronger, better than ever. That leader is President Donald J. Trump!! We need him and we want him back in our White House in 2025.

  2. Joy Reid needs to shut her face. She’s such a nasty arrogant jackass who talks about white people like they are below her. She’s not good enough to wipe my ass with.

  3. Well, look whose mouth that statement came out of…you wouldn’t expect her to say black people would you? I also agree with you, PurePurple!

  4. With the xception of reid, no one is surprised that haley lost!!!!!!!
    She was going to lose anyway because none of us were going to vote for her in the final phase, if she had of made it. Okay Haley, time to go home and zip up your mouth that has nothing worthwhile to say anymore ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Race baiters always claim it is whitey’s fault, I f I have said it once I have said it a million times. Joy Reid is after Al Sharpton’s race baiting crown!

  6. She bold faced lied to the American people when she said she was not going after social security. No, she wants to raise the age of retirement to 70 because people are living longer, all the while supporting abortion. How is that a pro-life stance? She is another sick twisted Rino in Washington. No more career politicians. 1 term only, and no lobbyists. Bring back America the way it was. Capital punishment, jail for crimes no matter how small. Enact chain gangs to repair our roads and pick up the trash their relatives dump out the windows as they drive by, and finally death to pedophiles, no waiting, no appeals. You go to the head of the line.

  7. Spoken like a true racist bitch. It was white voters, not white people, that don’t want her , just like they don’t want you Communist democrats in power anymore either. And for your information, it was also alot of black voters too that don’t want any of you Communist democrats in power anymore. Yall proved you can’t be trusted and lie at every turn. There’s the real truth to your BS story’s of lies.

  8. Nikki Haley,
    SHOULD be Embarrassed, that Joy reid supports her,….
    Indicating that she is Employing the RACE card, even though it is the flip-flop card hurting haley.


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