And shouldn’t Fani have to repay the courts for wasting their time and money, and repay Trump for time, money, travel to and from court etc????

How does Trump talk and give great and wonderful speeches for hours and hours every single day and Joe can’t remember how his son passed away? I’m flabbergasted… TRUMP2024


  1. I’m guessing that ‘flabbergasted’ is not the only thing you are. VERY false equivalency, bordering on the ridiculous to make one person’s personal life the same thing as any one of the other guy’s 94 criminal indictments. Yeah, so the prosecutor executed an error in judgement for which she should be held accountable, but comparing it to the other guy’s multiple-squared, actually criminal ‘errors in judgement’ is, as noted, ridiculous. Do you really think that we’re all so stupid as to NOT see the difference? That kind of flabbergasts me, honestly.

    • Of course there is a lot of evidence that is exculpatory which has been brushed aside. There is no doubt that if Trump had actually committed any crime for which there is irrefutable evidence, he would be under a Federal Prison. Therefore, crimes must be manufactured, but just like Harry Reid’s lie about Romney paying no taxes, it only has to work in the short run. The Left is willing to burn down the entire justice system to destroy a rival and screw the collateral damage. In 9 years of the entire mighty-might of the Democrats in Federal employ trying to take Trump down and you have ZERO criminal convictions. Read the 8th Amendment in reference to the $450,000,000. judgement against Trump: totally Unconstitutional. Indictments might seem like an accomplishment to you, but there is a reason that “you can indict a ham sandwich”. The indictments only present the Government’s case against the indictee. Carville was right about 80% of Democrats being politically brain-dead.
      You may believe the Kabuki theatre but don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

    • Even with the democrats putting Trump through hell everyday for over 8 years now Trump still gets thousands at his rallies, he maps out how he will save this Country and he shows up for all the scam indictments! Biden can’t even control his bowl movements, or walk without special shoes!!! He sure can’t speak for himself and still you go after Trump, I wish that had a vaccine for the mental disease TDS which so many of you lefties have as it spreads like a cancer through your brain cells!!

    • Skip, I guess you are saying that you, and you alone, should to be judge and jury here. You have already convicted Mr. Trump, without even bothering to hold a trial, or reviewing the evidence, or applying rules of law, etc. Bless you for your belief that the rules only apply to others, not to you. Mrs. Willis showed horrendous judgement, lied under oath, and put herself above the law and her employers (you and me). I personally do not care for Mr. Trump, but the obvious vindictive persecution of this man is a colossal waste of time and an embarrassing statement about politics in America today. YOU should be ashamed, but I am sure you are not. You appear to be blinded by political brainwashing, not in the least interested in truth and justice. Pretty sad actually.

    • Kangaroo charges=Flabberghasted. All bogus against the “duly elected President” and these BS charges. But you keep smoking the stuff this lying pos is putting out with his buddy, “The Wizard of Kenya”. Real Americans aren’t flabbergasted. “We are pissed” about this corruption and fraud.

  2. Skip Maloney, Arte you called Skip because God skipped you when he gave out brains?

    What are you smoking pal, stop drinking Libtard Koolaid

  3. the difference between the two political parties as we know is the demonrats have the justice system in their pockets! That is it in a nutshell plus we only have a hand full of real fighters on the conservative team and the rest are just limp wristed republicans in name only!

  4. One wonders who yall talking about trump or Biden. One also wonders why Biden is giving a free pass by the his puppet masters, while trump gets erery book thrown at him. If yall want to talk about justice, be sure ya can stand free of crime ya self. Between this female lier and the crimes of Biden’s crime family, yall have no room to talk about trump or anyone else. But still it’s all about trump for ya democrats, no matter how dirty yall are. That’s the problem with the far left Communist democrat party. That and their 2 tier justice system they put into play to save their azz’s.

  5. Fani needs to be disbarred. The way she was walking around with her mouth going a mile a minute, her big a– poured in that dress. She looked bad enough. Lord, what was Wade thinking when he saw her naked?

  6. Every charge against Trump is plain and simple BS!
    Let’s start with the money grabbing slut who said Trump raped her in the dressing room of one of the most famous stores in NY.,
    A complete LIE! Other women would have been there and Trump just walked in and attacked this Bitch and no one heard or seen anything! Another crooked Judge!
    This other case about fraud, the only frauds in this one is the dumb ass prosecutor and the Judge! Trump brought in bankers and insurance people and they said, if anything, Trump under valued all his properties, where’s the justice in this, nothing was over valued!
    The Georgia case, is filled with injustice with Fannie the ass doing all the lying and first thing she does is pull the race card and lie about her romance with the taxpayers high priced prosecutor!
    The Judge in this case is an idiot!
    The insurrection is totally BS as Trump told them to go peacefully and that’s on tape and dumbass Pelosi had the tape all reworked except the go in peace part and she also didn’t want to bring in the Nat’l guard because she had FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters along with the Antifa gang!
    As you can see it ALL LIES from the dumbass democrats, even the Stormy Daniels case, I guarantee the democrats paid her off also!
    The last thing I want to say is about Ukraine, I feel very bad for those people over there, but their president is as crooked as Biden!
    President Zelenskyy owns a 30 million dollar mansion in Miami Fl., now where did that money come from? The taxpayers of the USA!
    And I’ll bet dollars to donuts that at least half the money that goes over there is coming back to Biden and the DNC and Obama has his fingers in this too!!!

  7. Well it’s been well said skip don’t piss on me and say “oh it’s just rain” cause piss smells burnt rank and full of your waste and rain smells fresh delightful. In the democrats nose they use snot blockers and breath out the mouth only. I drove a septic pumper while I went to college and I learned democrats shit don’t smell because they block the nose entrance. Then they say how clean it is. I also found that think I should do it for free cause theirs don’t stink. Every time I pumped out crap tank they were glad pay me and very glad to call me back to pump it out again. I should have bought 50 pumpers and named it democrat crap pumpers they smell fresh like rain as my moto. Hilliard dossier lie 3 impeachment built on lies and not apology for bs they put us through. And as Steve Garvey said to Schiff “you lied to over 300 million Americans and you don’t get to recant that”.


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