Just in: White House Conspired To Jail TRUMP!



I still can’t get over how much the left fears Trump..

All charges should be dropped over this and charges brought against Biden Admin


  1. Oh, they’re just figuring that out now about Biden? Doh! As far as running for President, its absolutely ridiculous that it costs as much as it does to run.

  2. So why are they still allowing him to remain in the position of President. He shouldn’t be negotiating anything with any country on behalf of USA.

    • He is not negotiating,anything, Obama is the one who is doing it all, because that was the plan all along. Obama said I will make it happen for you but you will need to do exactly waht I want and Dr. Jill and Joe Biden agreed.
      Obama has been in the drivers seat since 2019 …..as Puppet Master to Biden and his wife…..and George Soros is paying Obama to destroy this country. Soros buys up BANKRUPT COUNTRIES, AND HE IS A !HUNGARIAN BORN COMMUNIST…..This should tell us every thing!

  3. They fear Trump cause he’s in the way of the democrats to get at us, the people. Both Hillary and Joe had illegal documents yet they still walk free while Trump as a x standing president had the right to them just like every other x president did. Yet only Trump is charged for having league documents. Go figure. So to say the democrats are trying to get rid of trump is a known fact. All the fake charges used on Teflon Don, and still they can’t make one charge stick on their lies. They cry no one is about the law, you can see the BS lie of that one too. Don’t show the world how stupid you are by going along with the lies of the democrats to destroy our country. This will go down in history as the biggest, most corrupt government of our country. Don’t be part of it. Be part of the solution , not the problem.

  4. What right does “Obama” have to appoint a judge
    in Trumps case???? Obama is “nothing” but a
    common citizen!! Does he hold some secret office
    in our government? Tell him to go play golf and
    leave Biden alone!

  5. So why do they fear President Donald Trump? The simple answer is that the Marxists, far left Dems are cowards, liars, thieves, traitors to the American people and Donald Trump knows this and he, and only he, is willing to do something about it. He will tell the American people what they suspect, and what many now know, that their governmental institutions are rife with liars and thieves stealing from American taxpayers, passing laws for self-benefit— a trillion here, a trillion there till the future of America is devastatingly compromised. Joe Biden is the leading pied Piper though the list of silent cowards runs wide and deep of politicians using the system and taxpayer funds for their own purposes. Donald Trump calls it as he sees it and always will.

  6. You Trump loving morons are as worthless as the crap you post on here. You seem to all forget that Pence had more documents at his house and not a damn one of you said a thing about that. Biden gave everything to the DOJ. Trump the liar, mentally ill Idiot refused to give them back and the ass showed them to people and gave some of them to people at Mara A Logo as party favors!!He has been found GUILTY of FRUAD along with his worthless kids. You people think it’s ok to do all the crimes that scum has done for his whole life and that puts you right on the same page as him. Low life, raciest, cheater, tax runner, Con man, sleeps with porn stars, screws people out of money and spent 3 hours behind closed doors with NO US Security in that room with one of the world’s worst dangerous leaders and you think he is God, say’s you’re a TRATOR to our country just like him.

  7. Some of these comments are Bidenized as one can see.
    We got the wrong person in the wrong place at the
    wrong time……a blind person could see this….

  8. Obama and hillery should be charged over the russia fiasco. Biden, this one. As far as the other charges against trump? The Presidential Records Act takes care of the first one and the other three are covered by the First Amendment of Our Constitution that the left ignores. It’s all persecution at it’s finest.

  9. This is for the 100% stupid, race haters, people who do NOT Love our Country one damn bit and think Trump is God, you need to get you worthless asses out of our country and go to Russia. You will fit in just fine with Puttin after all Trump loves him and wants to run this country the same way. Trump has done more crimes in this country than a drug dealer. Trump people are delusional, pathological liars, narcissistic, detached from reality, cheaters, cons and stay in a fantasy world and blame Biden for crap he had to take on that loser Trump left behind. Trump put this country in debt more than Bush did. So, don’t sit on here a talk shit about Biden when you have no right to spread your lying ass poison to others. Mabe, you Trump Idiots need to think of what could happen to this country if Russia comes for us thanks to Trumps great love for Puttin. We can bet you will be crying when they take everything from you. Oh, that’s right none of You have enough brains to understand Puttin kills his own people just like Trump wants to do. Trump lovers spread propaganda on here just like Fox News and they are nothing but low life liars, that’s why Carlson got FIRED! He said he will hunt people down and exterminate them for not voting for him. What a sick bastard! Maga lovers think Jan 6th was ok to do. Do you even have a clue that people died that day and there after?? Sorry you have to have a real brain to realize that not dysfunctional brains most of you seem to have. Anyone who thinks Trump is GOD and doing the crimes he has done with the rest of his scum bag family makes you a criminal just like him. When it’s time for him to go to prison, all of you can join him for the big boys will make sure Trump the loudmouth, Coward, race hater will be someone’s and many more someone’s bitch. Many on here show they have zero Intelligence when they talk how great the mentally ill, unravel, sociopath, dangerous person he really is puts you all on the very same page as him. How proud you must be to love a fake GOD with his fake orange face! I have family that works on the hill for over 25 years and the facts are the truth not the fake shit you people say on here. We love our Country and our freedom. With that said, you people only Love Trump and sure in the hell NOT our Country. Enjoy your freedom while you can. When the sky is filled with Crows you better start to pray.


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