Kamala Completely DRUNK in Humiliating First Speech Since LOSING Election



She looks like she’s been partying hard for days , and gave herself a haircut when she was drunk!!

That’s the longest I’ve ever heard her talk without saying “Trump”


  1. I have never heard a more socialist/Marxist diatribe, than from Walt and Harris.
    Fight? Again, what is she fighting?
    Is it against Liberty? Freedom?Or socialist ideology?

    • She is fighting against objective reality that says abortion is the taking of an innocent life which is murder, and fighting to suppress the truth that a baby is not part of a woman’s body. She is fighting hard to promote Democrat party lies.

  2. Rank ASSHOLE, Kamala is fighting to restore, the decency and civility, fighting against the Abnormalities, of the misleading, and cheated Americans, that a convicted Felon is their Commader in chief. The 34 counts of crimes, he committed. If that is not a Legitimate cause to fight, then you are a certified COCKROACH. enough said.

    • You deserve a slap across the face to wake up. Trump was never convicted, NEVER. As a matter of fact, all charges are being dropped because it WAS the Biden and HARRIS that tried to get Trump in jail with false charges. What Harris is a Marxist. She hates America and did nothing as VP. Your empty candidate is drunk as a skunk (Trump would never ultimate himself that way).

    • Elias,
      “When a lib KNOWS he has LOST he resorts to name calling ” Margaret Thatcher.
      Americans voted AGAINST communism!! We voted Trump to save America from being destroyed by the satanic communist Democrat party

    • Clueless much?? Obviously you feel that there should be injustice for some and more injustice for others who DON’T get what they have coming. Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden. Jim Biden. Hunter Biden. Nancy Pelosi. ALL CRIMINALS. They won’t get justice in this lifetime but most certainly it will be coming in the next one.

  3. BLaporte—yet she is not honoring her word to her workers on the campaign that they would be paid through the end of the year! They aren’t even being paid for their work through the end of the campaign! Shame on you Kamala! Then you jet off to Hawaii because you had to rest from all that campaigning! Spending that campaign money on private jets, ice cream, fancy meals & hotel and all that money on celebrity appearances! How do you even show your face?!

  4. Proud of the campaign they ran??? lol…..her entire campaign consisted of 4 things:
    1 – Abortion
    2 – Abortion
    3 – Abortion
    4 – Trump sucks
    What kind of campaign is that? 107 days, you raised 1.4 billion dollars…and yet still ended up 20 million in debt? LOSERS!!!!!!!!

    • She went into debt by mismanaging her campaign !! What would have happened if she became POTUS??
      She is an incompetent, ignorant person.
      ( I would call her a woman but democrats can’t even tell you what a woman is)


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