Kamala Harris TRIES TO PULL OUT OF RIGGED ABC Debate Over Mics To Get FAKE Strong Black Woman Moment



Vote for someone who is taking tough questions and answering them, that is Donald Trump.

Vote for Donald Trump.

She never actually wanted to debate Trump in the first place.


  1. I can’t believe the black race is stupid enough to let Kamala scam them into thinking she is black when she is 100% Hindu by just trying to speak ghetto English to them. Everyone needs to do their home work. And why the hell would you want to put someone in office that you now know you can’t trust. Time for everyone to wake, smell the coffee. This seriously concerns all our futures. Get this clown ass out of here, send her back to India and the scamming call centers where her true roots are. Don’t let her scam you!

  2. The issue over all of this is simple, Harris wants complete chaos so she can possibly do to Trump what she did to Pents in 2020. In this she then doesn’t need to answer any questions.

  3. It just amazes me that she would have anyone vote for her. This is a real concern about how the media can support and push her agenda without her supporters not noticing any of this.

  4. It figures the Dims would push such a weak person/candidate to be the leader of the country. She refuses to do interviews except with someone else beside her. First she needed The Bidet next to her and now she needs her communist VP pick with her to help her answer questions even when she knows what questions she will be asked. The debate will be a hoot if it happens as she will nervously laugh her way through it. What exactly are her accomplishments?

  5. For a 2016 debate, Hillary Clinton got the debate questions in advance from then DNC chair Donna Brazille. Now Harris wants to have notes available she can use as a cheat sheet because she’s not bright enough to remember her talking points and facts . Don’t forget she’s also best friends with the head of ABC news so you can expect that she will certainly get the questions in advance like Hillary did. As to the open mike, you can bet she wants to be able to interrupt whenever Trump speaks, because he is always so well prepared with comments she can’t contest and accusations she knows are accurate.

  6. Kamala KNOWS Trump would wipe floor with her and throw her out with garbage if she tried to debate without notes to or given answers to questions !! Be funny to see who would be biggest stooge- Biden or Kamala!!


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