I kind of feel sorry for some of these liberals. They are really truly messed up in their minds, or their minds are truly messed up in their heads. It is really a mess.
Kathy Griffin is coming out AGAIN to make sure everyone knows she’s still alive. Go away jackass, you only want to get attention but you don’t have any fans anymore ( not that you had all that much ) Drama queen that wants people to pity you, it ain’t working!! You are not relevant, you’re not funny, so your best bet is to crawl back under the rock you came out from. Disgusting behavior and a nasty personality is all you are going to be remembered by.
I kind of feel sorry for some of these liberals. They are really truly messed up in their minds, or their minds are truly messed up in their heads. It is really a mess.
Kathy Griffin is coming out AGAIN to make sure everyone knows she’s still alive. Go away jackass, you only want to get attention but you don’t have any fans anymore ( not that you had all that much ) Drama queen that wants people to pity you, it ain’t working!! You are not relevant, you’re not funny, so your best bet is to crawl back under the rock you came out from. Disgusting behavior and a nasty personality is all you are going to be remembered by.
Kathy claims to be a comedian and I guess she is because I had to laugh listening her complain about her situation that she created.
A real nut job, she needs to be placed in a facility where she cand get help.
She is making no sense at all.