Liberal Hypocrites OUTRAGE Over Lauren Boebert Letting Democrat Man Fondle Her In Theater!



She was being inappropriate but wasn’t it just recently that we have a Dem candidate online just recently doing things far worse than what Boebert did?!

Lauren crosses party lines , liberals cant


  1. No matter what she does its going to be wrong. She has been working on Water that is leaving our State for other States that are taking more than they should be taking. The Liberals can kiss my Grits for all I care what they think. Don’t worry, we have a guy in the White House that can’t think, we have his Son who has done worse things than that. We have 2 Senators in Colorado that are doing nothing what so ever. Neither Bennett nor Hickenlooper have mentioned anything they are working on or even tried to work on. Have the succeeded? apparently they haven’t as they are too busy trying to run other people down. Senator Bennet needs to stop the Fentanyl from coming across the Border and Hickenlooper, who knows what he is doing? Apparently nothing to brag on.

  2. She created a spectacle and regardless of her political affiliation , her ass would have been kicked out, so get over it. If you make an ass of yourself for attention, then you get what you ask for. She is pulling her dress up to cover her tits, which are hanging out, and looks like she had implants done. She looks like a cow.. Her “date” was fondling her????? Uh…. yeah, if you are naked, even, nobody has the right to put hands on you , even if out of respect for each other in public… A TRUE HIC… a low life, whoring , attention starved media celebrity. But when you go to a public venue and start getting it on… Then stop with the hypocricy. So DO NOT THOW THIS SHIT BACK on the Liberals… SHE made the choice to become a jerk, a low life… A CHOICE and her personal conduct has nothing at all to do with the left grooming KIDS… REally, you can’t separate those two??? Oh like the libs blame being black as an exucse to murder? So you want to talk hypocricy, then lets talk it… It is apples and oranges. Were talking kids in school, vs a woman with cow tits groping a man and being a fool in public… and being tossed out.

  3. The Left has no problem exposing elementary school children to porn (sexualization) Drag Queens and the gay agenda. So please don’t act like you are appalled Lefties.


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