Megan Rapinoe’s Arrogance Is Astonishing


Women’s soccer star Megan Rapinoe has a long history of proudly expressing her hatred of America, as well as complaining about making millions of dollars a year. Recently, in her final soccer match, she made her most outlandish statement yet: suggesting that God must not be real because she got injured. Let’s break this down.

The Comments Section with Brett Cooper discusses this in the youtube video below:


As a Brit, the fact she can swear in a press conference is wild

I feel so bad for that kid. Imagine going up to one of your favorite soccer players and they can’t care less about you


  1. I never have understood why we care what some overplayed sports figure has to say politically it’s not like their opinion matters anyway, while we’re at it what do they actually produce for all that money anyway?

  2. The problem with her and all like her, they want us to accept and shove their unnatural lifestyle down our throats. We don’t care that your weird but don’t get mad if we don’t want to accept your unnatural life style. Just quietly go your way and we’ll do the same
    Be thankful that The America you scorn does not terminate your existence like many other Countries would do. Matter of fact, wish you would move to another country and see how they treat your lifestyle.. Your name has become synonymous with the word “Ingrate”..

  3. Raapinoe is just an anti-American spoiled sports brat. There is a God, the proof that He had enough of her whiney BS saw that she was injured to save the rest of us from hearing more of her BS babbling. She’s a whiney, self centered, loser who basically had most of the American people happy with the woman’s soccer team early exit from the World Cup tournament. How ironic on a raapinoe missed penalty kick. Should have spent more time practicing than shooting her mouth off & disrespecting the American People who have no use for her.
    Good does conquer over bad, evil, & wokeness.


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