Megyn Kelly on the Horrors We’re Already Seeing in the “Day of Rage” Against Jews and Israel



There needs to be a national movement to defund Universities and College’s donations.

Thank you Megyn for exposing exactly what is happening on our own college campus’s. WTF?


  1. What is going on is unreal. I paid for my children to go to college but I would take them out if they did anything about America evil, they would be looking for a job. I believe in supporting America. I am 90.

  2. The youth are lazy I grew up taught that u never trust anyone untill I can prove that they are trustworthy I don’t even trust the media I fact check everything this way ur not filled with propaganda and the youth today are just gullible and lazy they never fact check anyone or anything and do they are programmed with one sided propaganda just like these idiots who fall for global warming propaganda I actually study science I mean true science and one volcano puts out more carbon dioxide then the country of America and the temperature is the same as when I was a kid and got movies to prove it we did not even trust the teachers we fact checked them also we made people earn their trust rule number 1 trust nobody ” all men and women are liars their is no truth in them ” so fact check everyone

  3. These idiots sure proved my point which I’ve said in the past. College is a waste of time and money. But now, thanks to George Soros, these young jackoffs can get jobs as professional protesters. They get $50.00 per day and a sandwich. This is also why these spoiled rotten lazy worthless bags of shit want their students loans forgiven. They’re not in college to learn a profession. That’s means getting up early in the morning and going to work. College is nothing more than advanced high school. Like the Paul Simon song says “When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school.”


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