MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Has MELTDOWN After Biden Glitch



this is what Biden brings to America… who else just wants Joe the hell outta here….

They did not clear him of commiting a crime, they just said hes too senile to charge.


  1. Charge Joe Biden ANYWAY! . . . Joe committed TREASON time and time again worthy of PRISON time. Trump was charged with ridiculous FALSE frivolous charges, so BIDEN should be CHARGED as well.

  2. Oh, now she is trying to say he’s not able to be president. The Democrats meaning Obama Clintons are trying to get a new face going before the conference. They know Biden is tainted and will never win, but he does not want to give up. So they are trying to find a way to get rid of him. They want Newsom or another Democrat and start advertising the new one so people will know. The Democrats are not fooling anyone at least I hope you’re not being fooled.

  3. Hang Biden like a piñata and whip his ass. This son of a bitch should not have been allowed to be in our White House period. Biden is a lying traitor who should be impeached and thrown in prison. He has made millions of dollars in his lifetime with his corruption, broken laws because he feels he’s above the law. I hope he gets fried along with his administration and his family. He should pay the price for being a disgusting, lying bastard.

  4. Just how stupid must one be in order to still stand blindly to a party of fools who broke every law in the book and did it so stupidity. Yet here she is still crying for the most corrupt and vile government party. And she really things she’s helping in some way. Right there shows how delusional she really is as a far left Communist democrat party member. She will go to any lengths for the party, but not the people or the country. She is the fake news for the democrats fake justice. Just another nut job trying to change our world for the worse.

  5. Lady, you backed the wrong horse. What I think is so funny is the report says he is too senile to be charged and he gets mad and says there is nothing wrong with his mind. Hahahahahahahaha! Charge him, he is a traitor and has sold our country down the river over and over again. Then line up the other traitors and charge them. I’m not worried. The real Judge (Lord) will take care of this problem and all the rest. I pray they repent, truly and don’t go to hell. Jesus forgives everything and he is the only one who can.


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