New Study on Electric Cars Shocks the Entire Car Industry



I have a CDL with HAZMAT. If I have just one EV battery in the wagon I must placard all 4 sides of the wagon and I must have HAZMAT endorsement on my CDL as long as the battery weighs 1000 pounds or more. So why don’t all EV’s with a battery weighing 1000 pounds or more have placards on all 4 sides and the driver have HAZMAT endorsement on their license and follow all of the HAZMAT rules? The battery is just as dangerous or more so in the EV as it is in my wagon.

I still can’t figure out why anyone would spend tens of thousands on an EV.


  1. It’s just another hair brain idea from the green team. It’s a hoax & electric cars are northern answer. There are too many unacceptable answers as to their being better than internal combustion cars. They’re not, but the green imbeciles have invested tons of money on this failed version with no thoughts of an end game. The green deal is not backed by scientific research, it is backed by climate liberals who use politics to tell us they know science. If any of their balcony were true they wouldn’t have to lie & do all their bate and switch to push this anti-American plan to fix something that isn’t broke. Electric cars are not the answer and they’re just another one of terrible decisions the dems have made with covid joe in charge. He’s never been on the right side of any decisions he taken for 60 years. He does know how to spend money foolishly better than the average imbecile

  2. Believe this info was available before the green crowd went all-in. Why did Boney Joe continue to push this idiotic pursuit? More money wasted by foolish decisions.

  3. What world are you people living in that dises EV’s, as if it is Joe’s and Democrats idea. China that has over a billion people, more 3 times as many as us. They have gone all in on EV’s. Their BYD company just recently surpass Tesla as the largest EV maker in the world. BMW, Mecedes Benz and Audi are all in. Therefore, I can’t understand how you think that Joe Biden and Democrats are the leaders of this revolution. We are the followers of a good idea.

  4. The “Green Weenies” should do their homework. Somehow they think that they are saving the environment – look up the extraction of lithium and cobalt from the earth in Africa and the problems of disposal of the batteries. Stupid is as stupid does.


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