New Trump Shooting Video EXPOSES Secret Service Cover Up | Congressman DEMANDS Independent Probe


The quicker people realize that Trump wasn’t supposed to walk away that day, the quicker we’ll find out that this was allowed to happen and their plans got screwed up!



Anyone still voting Democrat is seriously disturbed


  1. Dumb conspiracy theory! Anyone who believes they would find a Republican kid who was such a poor shot that he couldn’t even make the school team has to be out of their mind. That would have been an easy shot for any trained sniper.

    • Showing your ignorance AGAIN ! He wasn’t a Republican!! He said he hated Trump !! Don’t you ever research before you post your bullshit??

      • Of course he hated Trump. Almost half of Republicans can’t stand the farting corrupt old imbecile.. They know he destroyed the party and will lose the election again. Just google the “Lincoln Project” or “Republicans against Trump.” You need to do some research before babbling more nonsense.

        • There is one problem: you use Google that is a search engine NOT a research engine. A manipulated algorithm that hides what people should know about if it’s for should be known knowledge and push to the forefront what they want the sheep to find and “believe” to be true. Even google admits to this on undercover videos. Ask Project Veritas, now OMG. Lastly, President Trump have NOT lost the election. He was re-elected in 48 of 50 states by an 80.4% vote tally on the real Watermarked ballots. You think the military didn’t watch the election? Why do you think they turned their back on the mask wearing actor biden’s “motorcade”? Why do you think “biden” didn’t get picked up with Air Force One to his so called Inauguration that was filmed a week prior on a Sunny Day while D.C. was completely overcast on when the event supposedly took place. You are so lost and mind manipulated that at this point your willful ignorance is a special kind of stupid.

  2. Thirty-eight nations, including the United States, ban convicted felons outright from entering their countries. Trump is not even allowed to vote in Florida. .Why would anyone want this old senile corrupt POS to represent America? Trump has always been a total loser. He’s an embarrassment to this country.

    • The BEST President THIS country had for at least 50 years. The rest were NWO puppets who sold out their souls to the Globalists for money and power. Why are the globalists and their minions (90% democRats, 10% Rinos) are after him? because they can’t have someone back in office to declassify all of their corruptions and dirty secrets you Communist valdez. Everyone loved Donald Trump, even the democRats, UNTIL he ran for President. The Ped*philes in all of our branches in Government, Hollywood, Media, Big Tech suddenly were running scared and unleased the biggest propaganda campaign in the history of this country. You must be a member of the latin gangs with that name hating on America.

      • You mean yourself who’s first reply on this thread was childish insults and fabricated lies by the media, parroted by you as you can’t think for yourself. People like you never do research, only regurgitating what the mouth pieces of the globalists spew from the dumb box, while telling others to do research. You are painfully stupid


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