NO, We’re NOT All “Gods Children” | Buddy Brown



Finally Buddy speaks what should heard from every pulpit! We are Adopted into the family of GOD through repentance and acceptance of JESUS CHRIST. By Faith you have been saved. Without Faith it is impossible to please GOD. Stay on it Buddy!

NOW YOUR TALKING BROTHER! AMEN and AMEN! Not one word hit the floor, I woke up at 3 am few days ago and started reading my Bible and I felt the power of The Almighty telling me He sees this He’s got this! Blessing and honor to our KING! Jesus saves!!!!!


  1. Over all, the message is good. But Jesus knew before he even came to earth, he was going to be the sacrificial lamb. The pharisees USED politics to crucify him. And we all start out as God’s children but not all prodigal children return to God. Some prefer the evil life and demand their earthly rewards NOW and are willing to stoop to the lowest of the low to get those temporary earthly rewards. Why chase after temporary earthly rewards which will break, and rust or risk being stolen and will go to someone else after death? The ultimate rewards are in Heaven which are provided by God and are permanent.

  2. Wilddog, you are correct. We all started as God’s children in the garden of Eaden. Many have turned from him and gone astray but we are all God’s children.

  3. Jesus doesn’t want anyone to spend eternity in hell where satan and all his demons will be cast into along with all that reject Christ as their Lord and Savior. He was sent by God to give His life and to shed His blood on a Roman cross to die so that we would not have to die spiritually was buried and then resurrected three days later. An empty tomb bears witness of that fact. You nor I can live a life good enough to merit going to heaven! Far too many think their plan will get them to heaven. Jesus said,” I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through me.” Only Jesus can save you.

  4. Your message is so far off that it’s sad. Like many, many people you’re making it up! John 14:6 is absolutely true! However the great commission wasn’t given to the Apostles yet!
    What did Jesus say in the great commission? Read Mark 16:15-16.
    “Go preach the gospel to all creation. He who BELIEVES and is BAPTIZED shall be saved. He who disbelieves shall be condemned.”
    Paul said “We are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For All of you who were BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST, HAVE CLOTHED YOURSELVES WITH CHRIST.” (GALATIANS 3:26-27).

  5. This sinful world has a way of stealing ones virtue. Those that have an ear to hear love Jesus. Jesus told me in a dream that it has been that way since the foundation of the earth. Some love sin that the Bible says is temporary. I pray for the lost often. If the earth was filled with more Christians this world would be a utopia to live in. Unfortunately many Christians don’t get involved in good politics so they release there children into a more evil world. What’s important is to keep your eyes on Jesus no matter what. The other issues are a distraction.

  6. wow.. I am amazed that one particular religion has all the answers in the universe. i guess that is “religion” Ask ISIS what their
    “religion” tells them. Or Buddhists, or HIndus or any other cobbled together by man. There is only one answer, but I sure as hell don’t know or purport to have it.

  7. Isn’t it wonderful to believe in a Heavenly Father who loves us and His son, Jesus Christ, who made it possible to return to our Father after being away in this interesting, but wicked, world! You know, we are all at different places on this earthly journey. We have learned more or less, we have had different experiences, we understand in different ways, and we have all been hurt. Again, isn’t it wonderful that we can all come to Jesus no matter where we are at and He makes up the difference, loves us unconditionally, and welcomes us with open arms. I don’t know everything, and I don’t need to. There is good in all religions that we can gain from each other. There are so many good people in this world–from all faiths and walks of life. We can work together, be kind, and try to love.


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