NYC CRISIS-3: Major Investors Abandon NEW YORK CITY, Trump Truckers Speak Out | TRUCKERS For Trump



I hope that the truckers continue the boycott until New York reverses this judges ruling and disbars him. Our judicial system is supposed to be fair not political.

The judge needs to be investigated. I stand with the truckers, investors and TRUMP. Boycott New York.


  1. Disgusting that the Governor made the stupid confession that don’t worry it’s just about Trump and why would that be; Maybe because his is a political hit job and they all know it? There is the answer, in my opinion. Kevin is right it’s not you until you step out of line or are a conservative. Interesting I thought it was bad when AOC drove Amazon jobs out of NY but these attacks on Trump who has done so much in NY successfully and they want to destroy him and drive him out.

  2. CNN is a bigger loser than NY. They have forged ahead down the communist road while watching their own corporation sink out of site. If it weren’t for the under the table secret contributions from the DNC and the Democratic controlled administration, CNN itself would have been gone a long time ago. You could see the stress on that interviewer’s face. Dems think in only one dimension; the transfer of your money to their pockets.

  3. Look who you put in office and you still wonder why your failing as a state. Keep putting black democrats in office and keep falling. Their put there for a reason. Their corrupt and will do what their told by their white masters for the money and power. Just look at most of them being male or female. And how many being Investigated for corruption. And yet you vote the same kind of people in office by color, rather then by capabilities. Go figure !!!


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