NYC Gets Worse… Shoplifters Raid Another Target



Let’s spend another billion dollars on security cameras and plexiglass and not arrest a single criminal.

When politicians put criminals over law abiding citizens…


  1. GET THE MACHINE GUNS AND FIRE. DROP GRENADE BOMBS ON THEM! SHOOT AT THEM! KILL THEM, KILL THEM, KILL THEM! (To, this comment is not meant to be taken seriously! This comment is what I am sure how a lot of Americans must feel. They are destroying our country due to DemocRATic control. They should all be arrested and sentenced to prison.

  2. That will never happen until the democrats totally destroy the civil society. And they are seriously working on it with their open borders and all.

  3. Facts they aren’t “SHOPLIFTERS They are LOOTERS Criminal organized scum And yes they ARE black. State the facts arrest them .prosecute them No Bail let them cool their jets in jail.

  4. Firstly, I find it hard to feel much sympathy for “Target” – that company has been front and center on “all things woke” from the get-go. I don’t know if they were sincere in their support or if they thought they’d ingratiate themselves with the mob (or whether they thought that “ingratiation” would increase their popularity and sales or if they thought it would proof them against this kind of lawlessness), not that it matters. “Target” is merely reaping what it sold. Neither do I feel much sympathy for the inhabitants of these afflicted cities. These soft-on-crime politicians got voted in and it was the people in the city who did that, so I don’t really care if their prices go up and their availability of goods goes down. Call it karma. What I care about is that this insanity stays where it is and that I not be obliged to pick up the tab for the morons who inflicted this stuff on themselves.

    • Amen. Well said. I fully agree. I was just thinking the same. Target, Starbucks, Disney, …, and all others of the like should suffer the same fate: attack of the Libtards that they created and enabled.


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