NYC Lets Criminals Rob Tourists… On Purpose



You pay high taxes to be victimized by criminals and politicians!

When you don’t put criminals in prison. You live in the prison.


  1. Just don’t visit NY. It’ll hurt them. Maybe it will make them do something then. Or maybe they’ll wise up and vote the do nothings out.

  2. The law once facilitated the HANGING of horse thieves…

    By their necks..:

    Until they were DEAD.

    The law is just a whore that you can tattoo whatever you want on.

    If we did that THEN, we can do it AGAIN.

  3. For those that want to visit NY, but not NYC, go upstate to the Catskills or Adirondack Mountains, it’s a whole different world.
    I’m about 3 hours away from NYC, haven’t been there since the mid 90s, have no desire to go back.

  4. NYC is a garbage dump & the rats are in charge. Vote those useless crime pandering losers out of office. Things will get steadily worse, as long as criminals are in charge. A vote for a democrat politician in NYC, is a vote for increasing chaos.

  5. SEWER and More SEWER!

    My Wife and her sisters wanted to go out to some special event on Long Island and I told her about all the Criminal and Illegal activity that goes on in this corrupt city! She’s not going, but her sisters still are!

    Not a chance I would back to that Toilet Bowl!

  6. Back when I was in Law School, I took a date to NYC for a bit of “big city excitement”. That was back in 1982, before Giuliani cleaned the place up. It was a total s**t hole back then – not only did you live in fear of getting robbed or mugged, but you felt like you needed a hot shower and a thorough rub down with sanitizer after even a short time amongst the crowds. Vehicles left alongside the road were stripped within minutes (you could watch the process in real time if traffic was at all slow). She begged me to never take her back there. I had no problem making that promise. But here’s the thing – Rudy Giuliani actually cleaned the place up. It was an inconceivable accomplishment, but he did it and, briefly, at least, the place once more became livable. Of course, it’s been over two decades of Democratic rule in the City since Giuliani’s administration (and Giuliani, himself, has been consigned to jail – gratitude being in scant supply among New Yorkers) and it’s now even worse than it was when he took over. New York – and New Yorkers – did this to itself/themselves. Put a fence around the place and impose a quarantine on it. It’s not worth saving.


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