Oakland Residents SHOCKED After DENNY’S PERMANENTLY SHUTS DOWN Due Out Of Control Crime!



Don’t blame Denny’s. Blame yourselves. You voted for it.

Who would have thought that defund the police means more crime?


  1. There are so many ways to fight back against this crime, Stores need the hydraulic post that will rise when a threat is out front to ward off cars driving through the front door or window, add sliding bars that will lock down the entire building during smash and grab and trap all of these scum bag thieves inside so the police can get them. Vote in a Republican or Conservative Governor and throw Newsome to the curb. Come on people of California wake the “H” up. Insist on open carry for everyone.
    Support your local police and hire more of them. No brainer, just do it.

  2. Wide open carry of a firearm, public hangings without trial will stop a lot of this nonsense. Empty the jails by aggressive death penalty . Democrat politicians should be first in line.

    • All good! And maybe a mass incarceration program like Nayib Bukele of El Salvador instituted that has cut that country’s crime rate by 90%!

  3. Keep letting these jackass liberal Democrats get away with no punishment for the criminals this is what you get. Kick the radical left out of office and you will have law and order. When a liberal’s family is attacked severely or murdered then they will have to step up and take action. If it’s someone that isn’t their family they simply don’t care. How can anyone be so heartless to another human being? Newsom, Gascon, and all other liberal scum bags should be taken out.

  4. Yes, yes. Work from home! Cowering in your home to escape rampant crime. BTW: If the criminals can’t get their satisfaction in downtown Oakland, what makes you think these same criminals won’t go on out to the suburbs or the more tony areas of the city to satisfy their criminal inclinations?


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