Pelosi Just Got Caught LYING About J6!!!



I pray for the J6 political prisoners to all be released asap and that these anti-American, corrupt political monsters get their comeuppance.

I support the Subpoena of Pelosi.
I expect NP(c) to defy such an action.


  1. When has this stupid ugly old hag told the truth? It’s not news that she’s a liar driven by her love of money and power. The real news would be if she told the truth.

  2. It is about time Nancy PELOSI is found out. Her lies about Jan 6 have now been made public and everyone can see how she did not act when asked by President Trump.

  3. Sad isn’t it, this old cow rather keep our own in Federal prison just cause of who they voted for. And the guards there are even worth, by the way their treating them. Where’s the justice to this BS. As you can see she doesnt care about the people she took a oath to protect and help in life. She made this all about the party and their wants and needs. Power of corruption is what it is. Not what the US of A stands for. How is it that she can get away with this for so long. No one seems to care anymore.

  4. They knew all along that Pelosi would not allow the guard to be called in. Trump told this over and over. No one listened. All the good people locked up in jail for an honest protest. It got out of hand because of the “plants” from the FBI. This was all staged. The Democrats are so corrupt. Obamas, Clintons, and Bidens all need to be sent to prison. They have ripped off the American people. We have to get rid of them, or we will no longer be a free nation under God.

  5. This article is so right! Polesi got by with the stock market, her daughter was at congress to video her in J6. And I still remember her passing the Oboma articles when no one knew the contents ! I want America back!

  6. I am 2 years 360 days older than that traitor in the White House. He isn’t for democracy but socialism and he wants to be the dictator of America. I believe 80 percent of the democrats are also traitors to our country.

  7. The democrats have a long, long history of their racial, radical and corrupt power hungry beliefs. They are so guilty of EVERYTHING they accuse others of doing.
    J6 was covertly planned and stagged to make Trump and all his supporters look bad so they could use the justice system against them.

    • And of course the sheeple who buy into this rhetoric from these democraps have their head so far into the sand they know nothing other than their hatred for Trump

  8. Those stupid senators will vote for that old lady that’s what so crazy. She is a liar and belongs in a mental hospital.
    We need time limits to get rid this trash in Washington DC

    • I agree, the President is limited to 2 terms, so should the rest of these rinos in public office. They should serve their time and then go back to work and pay taxes like the rest of us.

  9. If we don’t RISE against these GODAWFUL
    FREAKS AND WEIRDOS nothing will happen.
    Donald Trump cannot protect us from them.
    IT’S UP TO US!!!
    If BLM, ANTIFA can do what they want then so should we. Start lining up all your REPRESENTATIVES and ATTORNEYS to start bailing us out when the fit hits the shan. LETS TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK NOW!!!!

  10. She also very conveniently hired her daughter and son-in-lw to be there and video tape her walking around the Capitol that day. Her family doesn’ have a security clearance to be in the areas where they were. How come she had them do it in the first place, answer she knew what was going to happpen.

  11. I agree with all of you. She knew that this was going to happen and she did exactly what she wanted to do, thinking that she could keep Donald Trump out of the White House, because she does what she wants when she wants and nobody can put a stop to her. Darn it. She should be booted out of Congress and put in Jail for what she has caused to happen.

  12. Reason we have to have term limits so these old Senators stop milking this country! They don’t know when to quit. Yes they are stupid enough to vote the worse person Pelosi. Why?
    Shes ignorant and childish. Does she have something on them?


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