Pentagon Reports DOZENS Of US Troops Advocating For OVERTHROWING The US Government



When you join the US military, one of the first things you do is take an oath to “Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

But government blatantly violating and overthrowing the constitution isn’t “over throwing the government.”


  1. I must say that I don’t blame them one bit. Biden has done just about everything he can to destroy our country. To include throwing out people from our military since they wouldn’t take his fake ass shots. The man knew they were fake. And yet today he wont admit it to the public. Now i must tell the truth here. When the military fighting force is lied to like Biden has done to all of us. Then you may hear this type of talk. If I was not to old I would help them with it. But I can only walk 50 ft or so then the pain takes over. I hate it when they lied to us as well.

    • Ralph, you can walk 49 feet further than stupid old senile poopypants Joe can. You could man an M2 .50 caliber machinegun, fire an M72 anti tank weapon, an M203 (or M79) grenade launcher, or use an M16. You’re never too old to defend this country from communist dummycrats.

    • I took that Oath — to protect against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You forget that we fought for our independence for the very same thing that Lyin’ Bliedung is putting us through. And part of that Declaration states that “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” They are just patriots who believe in preserving our freedom — against TYRANTS like the Pervert-In-Chief!!

  2. What did you expect!!! The Pentagon Milley Austin you ALL did our Military men and women wrong to the highest level!!! Wish ALL the Military Men And women would jump ship and overturn our Gov like Brazil did months ago!

  3. Oh and let’s NOT forget how NY is removing our Vets from there adult homes for these illegals!!! And let’s NOT forget how these illegals are getting health care $5,000 visa, free room and board, you name there getting it taxpayers money free before our homeless Vets and our Military!!!🤬🤬🤬

  4. Ralph, I agree with you 100 percent. However, as one who served my country honorably during our last declared war, I have to point out that those men took an oath of allegiance, the same as I and many others. Their “Commander in Chief” also took one and should be held to answer for what he’s done to destroy our country and It’s Natonal Defence.


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